Reveal yourself.

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A/N: Hello! So uh ignore the parts that may make the characters feel out of character that's my bad if they do (they definitely are I'm re-reading everything XD
⚠️edit: Updated!⚠️

Ethan and Nitro drive to the flower field but not anywhere near the pod, then they sit on the hood of the car "Wow the sky looks sick when there's no city lights around" Nitro raises a brow "How could the sky look sick?" Ethan laughs "No not that kind of sick like the cool kind of sick" Nitro gets even more confused "Why would it be cool to get a cool sick?" Ethan laughs awkwardly "N-No like sick is also a term for cool or awesome you know?" Nitro thinks and then realizes "Ooooh.... I knew that-" Ethan looks at her confused "Rrrright.." Nitro leans back "So, do you have any family that lives with you? Like parents? Siblings? Cousi-" Nitro interrupts him "Stop." Ethan looks at her confused "What, did I do something-" "Let's just not talk about family alright." She raises her voice in a more serious tone, Ethan looks over to the side feeling a bit ashamed "Sorry I shouldn't of raised my voice.." Ethan looks back at her "My parents abandoned me when I was just little and my twin brother... is dead." Ethan froze up in shock, Nitro brought her legs up to her chest and she looked down at her feet "I am, very sorry about your brother, not your parents though they're dickheads for abandoning you and your brother" Nitro chuckles "Yeah, it was hard taking care of ourselves-" Nitro hears a ground bridge open, Nitro drags Ethan down into the flowers as two auto bots come through "HEY, why'd you- woah.." Ethan looks over to see the bots "This is where Ratchet found the Deception escape pod frequency." Optimus walks towards the flower field "So the cons have a new deception now huh?" Bulkhead spoke, Nitro rolled her eyes and Ethan was amazed, seeing the bots excited him "Hey Optimus, I'm getting a reading over there, there's energon spillage" Nitro listens to their conversation and doesn't understand where the energon spillage was but then she realized, it was her wound on her shoulder, she whispers to Ethan "We have to go-" "Hey Optimus-" Optimus looks at the bulkhead "What is the problem Bulkhead?" Bulkhead pointed to them "there's humans over there in the flowers" Ethan inhaled "Busteeeed" Nitro pushes him a bit "You guys need to come with us" Bulkhead looked at them, Nitro wasn't feeling it but if they ran they would probably just try to find them again "Fine." Nitro slouched over while walking through the ground bridge, Ethan was silently happy and excited

They walk through, Nitro looks up and sees human stuff on a balcony, she was wondering if there were humans staying here "We're back" Ratchet turned around "Did you find the deception?" He looks down and sees the humans "No but we found them" Ratchet face palmed and looked at Optimus "Optimus three humans are enough you really want to add two more to the list?!" Optimus looked back at Ratchet, Bulkhead steps in "Well they saw us, we don't know if the deception was near and watching us, they could've used the humans to their advantage." Nitro takes her sweater off and wraps it around her waist and then climbs up to the balcony "So, who are the other humans?" She asked, Ethan sat on the couch, Optimus looks over to her "You will meet them tomorrow" Nitro laid back by Ethan "So, what'ca wanna do?" Nitro nudges him with her elbow "Eh i don't know, I'm just on my phone right now" Nitro yawns and she goes to sleep along with Ethan

Nitro and Ethan wake up by the sounds of the 3 auto bots returning with their human friends "Damn how long was I out?" Nitro yawned "twelve hours" Ratchet replied, Nitro eyes widen "12 hours?! Why didn't you guys send us home?!" Ratchet rolls his optics "I was but Optimus told me to leave you guys alone" Nitro shrugs her shoulder and gets down from the balcony and sees who the humans were, they were those kids.. Jack looked at her "Wait your that girl from yesterday" Nitros eyes widen "Yeah sorry about just randomly leaving, I had to go do something" Miko goes to her "So what's the deal with the deception logo tattoo on your shoulder?" Nitro plays it cool "Logo? I thought it was like some sort of like band design, I saw it on a car once and I thought it looked cool so I tattooed it on my shoulder" Miko looks at her funny "Right... ok well, race you guys to the top!" Nitro smiled watching them race there, she was curious and wonder where Optimus went but just as she was going to check he came in "What is your name?" he looked at Nitro "My name is Andrea, my friend over there is Ethan" There was a small silence, then Nitro broke the silence "Random question but do I get a guardian like the others? Well I mean do I have to?" Optimus didn't think about that before hand "Don't even look over at me I am not being her or his guardian." Ratchet grumbles, Miko looks down at them "She can share with me!" Nitro rolls her eyes "No thanks, I'd be crowded with you or well, any of you three" Miko shrugs and sits back on the couch "Fine, then I will be your guardian" Nitros eyes widened, everyone was shocked by what Optimus said "Optimus I don't need a-" Optimus stops Nitro "You will be unprotected and a huge advantage to the deceptions if you are not protected" Nitro groaned Yay now I'm stuck with Optimus, can this day get any worst? She thought to herself and then Energon levels at 10% she was dead meat if she didn't get any energon in her system soon, then she had an idea "Could you maybe give me a tour of the base? If that's alright with you" Optimus nodded and starting walking, Nitro followed him

They start walking down the hall and Nitro gets tired of walking and slows down "Is everything alright?" Optimus stops and looks back at Nitro "I'm just.. kinda tired.." Optimus lowered his servo to her and she hopped on, Optimus was going to continue walking but Nitro interrupted "Could I maybe sit on your shoulder? No offense but your hands aren't very comfortable to sit or stand on" Nitro stood up "No offense taken Andrea" he moved his servo toward his left shoulder and Nitro walks on then sits down, Nitro thought Woah its high up here, I can't imagine being this tall Optimus continues to give her a tour of the base, but Nitro noticed that Optimus would shiver a bit when she slipped on accident, she felt awkward and weird "I can get off and walk if you want, I feel like I'm making you uncomfortable sitting here" Optimus hesitated before speaking "No it is alright." Nitro smiles and the last place Optimus shows her is the energon room.. Perfect "That should it it for the tour of the base" Optimus looks over to Nitro "Ok, we should probably head b-" Nitro is interrupted ::Optimus I'm getting an energon reading in Antarctica, I'd recommend finishing up that tour:: Ratchet says to Optimus through the com link, Nitro looks up at Optimus "I'll be right there"

Optimus walks in with Nitro still on his shoulder, everyone turns around and looks at them silent, Nitro raises a brow "What? What are you guys looking at?" Another long silence, the auto bots and the humans were surprised that Optimus was letting her sit on his shoulder, then Optimus breaks the silence "Is there any information about the signal in the Arctic?" Ratchet shakes his head "I'm not sure what it is, but it's Cybertronian" Optimus looks over to Bumblebee and Bulkhead "Bumblebee and Bulkhead will explore and see where and what the signal is" they nod, Nitro looked over to the couch and saw that that the others were packing up and leaving except for Ethan, then she looks back at Optimus "Do you mind if I get down?" Optimus lifts his servo to her and lifts her down "Thank you!" She runs up the stairs to Ethan and sits down grabbing the game controller "Hey before we continue, I just wanna say thank you" Nitro gets confused by Ethans words "Why?" He grabbed the other controller "Well for being there for me, even though you've only known me for a couple of days" Nitro smiles "No problem, but uh we should get going after this game" Nitro looks up at the tv "Yeah sure, but let's see who wins!" Nitro laughs and they start the game

Hello there! I just wanna add on Nitros holo form (I just finished it, also art done by me ofc)

Hello there! I just wanna add on Nitros holo form (I just finished it, also art done by me ofc)

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One is with her sweater on and one off (since she takes off her sweater sometimes in the story)

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One is with her sweater on and one off (since she takes off her sweater sometimes in the story)

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