The Human and the Rogue Deception

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"Sorry about earlier with my friend there, I'm Ethan" Nitro got a bit nervous as Ethan leans against the car "Hello Ethan I'm N-" Nitro doesn't sound like a human name, she quickly comes up with one "I'm Andrea" "Nice to meet you, So uh if you don't mind me asking, do you like Roller Skating?" Nitro thought to herself What in the name of Primus is that?? "Uh no actually I've never tried it" Ethan raises a brow "Your parents never took you skating when you were little, like at all?" this thought started bringing pain in Andreas spark, her creators abandoned her and her twin when they were just sparklings, Ethan can tell that the subject hurt her "Oh I'm very sorry I brought that-" Andrea stops him "No need to apologize, so uh what's older blading?" Ethan laughs "Roller Skating" "Roller Skating, whatever" Ethan laughs more then he stops still smiling a bit "Ok ok I'm done, but uh maybe I can show you how to Roller skate." Ethan puts his hands in his pockets, Nitro thinks about it "Yeah sure, um you wanna drive?" Nitro mentality face palms what the hell was that? You just met this human you dummy Nitro says to herself in her head "Uhhh, sure!" Nitro moves to the passenger and Ethan gets in "You ready?" Ethan looks at her "Yup"

They get to the Bowling Alley and Nitro takes off the green jacket that she was wearing, Ethan sees a tattoo on her left shoulder and looks at her "Cool tat Andrea" Nitro gets confused "What do you mean?" He points and it shows the deception logo on her shoulder with scars over it, Nitro puts her jacket over her shoulder and continues trying to put on the roller skates "Were those real scratch markings over it?" Nitro nodded, Ethan got even more curious and wanted to ask more question but thoughts would make him seem annoying "Ok I'm done putting on my roller blades" "Same here" Andrea stands up and tries to walk but ends up falling on her bottom "Ah scrap-" Ethan laughed a bit but helped her up "It's not funny." "It kinda is though" Ethan leads her to the ring and tries teaching her how to use the roller skates and she starting getting the hang of it, but did fall a couple times doing so "Hey look at you! Your getting the hang of it!" Ethan skates and then he loses his balance and falls, Andrea catches the whole thing in action and bursts out laughing "Ok ok maybe it is funny when someone falls"

Time passes and they finish up and leave, it was quiet until Ethan broke the silence "I'm kinda hungry, what about you?" Nitro wasn't sure she could eat organic food but she loves to try new stuff out "Yeah I'm kinda hungry, where do you wanna get food?" Ethan points to a fast food place "There, K.O drive in, I love getting food there" Nitro nods and drives there, a young boy answers "Welcome to K.O drive in where every patties a knockout how may I help you?" Nitro was intrigued, how did that little box thing work? She thought, then she was thinking about Cybertron, and all the good times she had with her brother, how they would play together as sparklings, when they raced around the neighborhood and drive the neighborhoods crazy, she frowned "Hey are you ok Andrea? I finished ordering, I also ordered for you" Nitro wakes up from zoning out "Yeah I'm alright.."

"Hey could you drop me off at my parents house?" Nitro nodded, Ethan chuckles "What?" Ethan smiles "I actually went into a strangers car and spent the day with them and then became friends, I'm surprised I wasn't kidnapped" Nitro gets confused "I would never, it's such an awful thing people do." She rethinks what he said "Wait, Friends?" Ethan rolls the window down "Well... yeah, after that day we had you can't say we're not friends" Nitro thinks about it "I guess so."

It was quiet and it was already getting late, Nitro stops at his house and Ethan gets out then leans on the window frame of the door "Hey maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" Nitro smiles "Mmm I don't know maybe" "I never actually see you around school, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Ethan says a little bit concerned "I'm 16" Ethan gives her a piece of paper with numbers on it "that is my number, if you want to call or text me" Nitro looks at it " I'll be sure to contact you Ethan" he pats the car "alright see you around, oh! Nice car by the way!" He says before going inside, Nitros holoform disappears, she rolls up her window and drives off to the flower field where she crashed

she arrives and she lays inside looking up at the stars

"Crossbow! look!" Crossbow looks at Nitro "yeah what's up?" Nitro smiles "It's a shooting star!" Crossbow looks up and sees it "Ooo that's a bright one" Nitro and crossbow keep star watching, they relax on a building as the sun comes up shining over Cybertron "It looks amazing" Nitro admires it and Crossbow smiles "Yeah it does"

Nitro quickly sits up looking at the stars, it.. reminds her of her brother, she transforms into her holoform and starts to climb the escape pod and then sits on it, she sees a shooting star in the sky

"NITRO RUN NOW HURRY!" "N-NO IM NOT LEAVING YOU YOUR BLEEDING" Gun shots fire at Crossbow, Nitro cries as she runs away trying to escape Hourglass

She snaps back and starts balling tears "I-I'm sorry.." she tries to wipe her tears away and she gets down from the top of the pod and transforms to her alt mode, her spark hurts with guilt, she gets inside the pod and tries to get some sleep not knowing that tomorrow is gonna be a big day

Auto bots POV:

"Optimus, I'm getting a reading in a flower field, that is in Jasper, it's a deception escape pod" Ratchet says as he types on the computer "We will investigate tomorrow morning" Optimus walks towards Ratchet only to see there a deception still nearby the area "Is there something wrong?" Ratchet looks at Optimus as he still looks at the computer "I believe I know who this deception is."

aCk sorry if I accidentally make the canon characters too much out of character in this AU but let me know how you like this so far! Give me feedback! Oooo this is a long chapter, oops didn't mean to make it 1000+ words xD

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