2|| A Dreadful Cage

Start from the beginning

L'Manburg had been rebuilt by old citizens from Wilbur's rebellion mostly. I got in whenever I could get away from the paperwork, Niki, Fundy and Quackity came to help sometimes too. But they were often busy looking for Y/N. I wish I was out there searching with them but now I've got a fucking country that needs me. I look down at my shirt and try to brush out the distressed wrinkles. 

I remember that the remains of the podium were the first to go. I was so happy to see that dreadful thing gone. I couldn't look at it without thinking of... that day.
I subconsciously touched the scar on my face. I caught my reflection in the window. I didn't totally love the way I looked before, but now I knew I was hideous. A hideous reminder of the past government and just ugly in general. I reached up and touched the horns on my head and the new ears they encircled. My body changed so rapidly after Y/N left, maybe it was the stress of it all. 

My ears slowly grew outwards and now looked exactly like that of a Ram's. The horns on my head were lost identical to Schlatt's, another month and they would be fully grown out. In all the time my ears grew I didn't cut my hair. They were so gross and misshapen I didn't want anybody to see them. They looked better now, like Captain Puffy's ears, but I hated them. I hated what they made me look like. A monster. 

I turned away from my reflection and walked back to my desk. I had two photo frames, I picked up the first. It was Big Q, Fundy, Tommy and I the day we were elected into office. The day after Techno's betrayal. I smiled at the memory. Niki took the photo with a giant box camera she'd borrowed from Eret. There we were, in black and white, all smiling broadly to cover up how we were really feeling. 

As soon as we noticed Y/N was missing we searched everywhere. We had no idea where she went or if she had survived. We checked every single canyon and every single creator. If we didn't find her then, then we certainly would have found her body whilst reconstructing L'Manburg. She was missing in action. 

Now that I think about it, so is Tommy. Despite being my VP, he's not been anywhere near L'Manburg since this photograph was taken. I pick up the other frame with a frown on my face. It was a photo of the revolution. Y/N, me, Tommy and Wilbur. Fundy took this one with a camera that belonged to somebody in the village. I remember now, he was a lovely old gentleman with two daughters the same age as Wilbur. 

Quackity is my secretary of state and Fundy is my foreman. The three of us are a team, they've been a massive support to me. But Tommy? He's been radio silent since Y/N disappeared. I know he's been living with Dream, I am too technically, but I barely have time to go "home". 

I look back out my window and down at the L'Manburg dock. Brand new and as bustling as a small town can get. After everything, it was understandable that nobody really wanted to move in here straight away. It was just ex-revolution members and our friends. I frown when I see a small ground of people gathering by the Camarvan. Newly rebuilt and shining proudly in the sun. 

Seth Black. We don't know where he came from, only that he's here in L'Manburg now. He was a wealthy merchant and irritatingly charismatic. He stood on a small crate and gestured wildly with his hands. A man of politics and trouble, and a massive headache. He was gaining influence in L'Manburg. I'd heard from Fundy that he was going to run for president in the next election. 

I sigh and look at the maps on my wall. Various places marked with big red Xs and O's. I walk up to it and study its features for the millionth time. Quackity, Fundy and I have been trying hard to find Technoblade. When we did he would be captured and brought to justice for the war crimes he committed in the Manberg-Pogtopia war. I felt my jaw clench as I remembered the strife. 

The sound of a knock brings me back to earth, but I keep my eyes trained on the maps. I don't need to look to know who it is.
"Have you made any progress in finding Y/N?" I turn to look at Dream. Even though he's wearing a mask it's clear that he's run down and distressed. He shakes his head. 
"Fuck," I swear and turn back to the maps. 
"Have you found the army yet?" Dream asks. 
"Shit. Why not?"

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now