XV (XXXVIII). Magical Beasts Attack 🐉 🐂 🐀

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At Walter Park

With Team 1

Before we get to the whole event, let's rewind a little. A few minutes before the Six Fingers' attack on Walter Park, Romiere was having some dress-up fun at the cosplay room in attempts to make Picero be much different than he is in terms of dazzling appearances.

"Each and every outfit looks just fabulous! Absolutely fabulous!" Said Romiere, "They look so perfect, I even terrify myself, Ronove!"

"I wonder if bizarre creatures like this exist in the human world, too." Wondered Shichiro holding a penguin mascot head.

"Trust me, they do exist there but without any odd features." Said Damien in a quiet volume.

"I think this would looks quite sharp and flattering on Master Iruma." Said Asmodeus holding a couple of costumes, "No, this might be better."

"Ah, this would be most fitting for a Demon King! Yes, indeed!" Said Sabro with a dark costume.

"Hmm... which hat would be a perfect match for my sense of style." Said Alexander as he tried to select one of the hats he's holding.

"Sabnock, Siegfried's wondering if this dress would suit her." Said Dariss holding a black dress with crimson roses at the hem, "I thought it'd look nice, but I guess she wants your opinion on it, too."

"G-Graveston! I-I never said th-that!" Denied Yanna, "M-More importantly, i-it's not that I-"

"You need not fret, Siegfried." Reassured Sabro, "I am most certain you'd suit such a garment of that kind."

Those words flattered the young Gorgon as her face reddened and she looked away.

While that was happening, Picero lifted his sleeping mask up, noticing something strange. He then fell from his cloud front first to the floor.

"Huh?! What happened?!" Asked Iruma.

"Hey, you really shouldn't sleep on the floor." Said Dariss.

"It's warm. How weird." Described Picero with his hand on the floor.

"Did you say warm?" Asked Asmodeus.

"Why would the floor be warm?" Asked Sabro.

"Well, the grounds of Walter Park are teeming with mana, though it's mainly accumulating in three points." Replied Picero placing buttons on the map as he explained, "Say it's like a bird's nest, and those three points are like the eggs the mama bird's trying to keep warm."

The buttons were place at the west, northeast and southeast of the park map.

The Agares Family Bloodline Ability: Bed (My Area)

Picero can manipulate any ground surface. And with this in hand, he is able to sense inconsistencies with the ground.

"Keeping them warm, you say?" Repeated Yanna.

"Ro, Ro, Ro?" Sounded Romiere.

"Correct. To hatch the eggs." Added Picero.

"But what does that mean?" Asked Iruma and Alexander.

Picero must be referring to the strange egg-shaped items the Six Fingers dropped as they were dropped at the exact same mentioned locations. At one second, Picero found something happening and formed an earth barrier around him and his group. Iruma went to see what was up and there stood the Carmine Dragon that stands in their direction of the park.

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