Chapter 40. 'The Unknown Watch and The Red Lines of Oscilloscope.'

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"But why would she have panick attacks?" Kashti asks Rohan with a frown.

"No idea." He mumbles looking at her with deep thoughts all about her.

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In the Khurrana House 🏘️ :

Vihaan's parents were not at home. Taking the advantage of the situation, he was standing in Nishi's room after taking a shower and having his breakfast. He was looking around the room checking it out.

'How can such blabber mouth has such clean room?' Vihaan thought.

He figured to start his search mission from the study table's drawer. From her study table to every table and her bed, under the quilts, behind the bed, under the bed, her school bag, school books and notebooks, he searches the entire room for a good 48 Minutes but finds nothing. He sighs tiredly streching his muscles trying to release some tension from last few days which were too rough on him to deal with. Then his gaze falls on the book shelf. He nears it and checks all the books. From last 15 minutes he found nothing in those books too no matter how keenly he checked. But what astonished him was the choice of her genres she reads. Thriller, Action, Murder mysteries, Sci-fi are her favorite genres he figured.

'So strange.' he thought because at this age, he only found girls being engrossed in romantic genre mostly, dreaming about their prince charming but not even one single book he found in her book shelf with romantic genre.

He puts the last book in the shelf back when he remembers her walk in closet. He rolls his eyes at his own stupidity of not checking the most important spot.

Vihaan forwards his hands to open her closet but then retract them back and rest them on his waist. He pokes his left inner cheek with his tongue looking at the walk in closet's closed door in a dilemma to open it or not to open. Even if she is his little sister, he was hesitant to touch her closet, after all she is a girl and even if she is just a teenager, still he felt like a virus entering her personal account data to violet her privacy policy of her account. He never touched his sisters' closets when they started getting mature and grow up. It somewhere pained him though, because he never wanted them to grow up that early. He would often ask his parents why are they growing up so fast and they would only laugh or smile at his love for his sisters. For sisters, be it his cousins, be it his Princess Nikki, be it Arika, be it his little G or Shre or anyone of his friends' sisters, he always had a soft spot for the little ladies of his big family. He loved them dearly. But Nikita had the most special place in his life. That's a different thing that there has always been one more person in his life whom he loved dearly more than anything else in his life, but none had any idea.

Vihaan takes a deep breath and shrugs off the feeling muttering to himself as he forwards his hands to open the closet, "It's for her good health that's why I'm doing it on Sakshi Di's command."

He enters and finds female clothes for different events, most of them were casual wears or professional wears, festive could hardly be seen. Anyone could tell, this girl is either not interested in festivals or she has no idea about festivals that's why she hardly had any occasional wears which were countable. The picture made him fall in deep thoughts because according to his parents, his sister wanted to stay back in foreign lands and loved to explore their cultures and traditions, then how come she has uncountable casual wears but countable very few festive wears? This confused him.

Vihaan looks around and finds that there was a lot of place for jewellery but nothing was there except for few countable earings. He shakes his head not understanding his sister at all. Her behaviour has always been weird to him since day one but now this. . . . Even this somewhere made him feel like a newbie given a big project to handle on its own in a big company about which he has no idea except for its name.

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