First Day Part 4

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Your POV

      I wake up and rub my eyes then checked what time it was. It was around 6:30. I groaned I better get up work starts at 7. I clean myself up then I look in the closet for my uniform. There in the closet, I see two uniforms.

A/N( Can be any color you want )

Uniform 1:

Uniform 1:

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Uniform 2:

A/N ( For this second uniform you can keep the skirt or if you don't like dresses remove the skirt so you just have the black pants )

A/N ( For this second uniform you can keep the skirt or if you don't like dresses remove the skirt so you just have the black pants )

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A/N(Your hair can be any style/texture you want)

      I put my hair into a ponytail then suddenly my ears and tail pop out. Ugh! They have been popping out more often than usual. I close my eyes and concentrate then they pop back in. Someone knocks on the door.

      "Come in!" I yell. 

      Sebastian opened the door with a smile and asked, "Good morning, Y/N did you sleep well?"

Sebastian POV

      It wasn't just a simple question knowing whether or not Y/N actually requires sleep could help me determine what she is. Well, of course, she could lie to me but at the same time, it wouldn't hurt to try. 

      "Yeah, I slept well," she answered. For a moment I thought that she might be a demon but maybe not.

      I smiled as I said, "We should get going follow me. I will introduce you to the rest of the staff and give you your task." She nods and follows closely behind me.

Your POV

      Eventually, Sebastian and I stop in front of a door. I look at the door and notice smoke leaking from it. Sebastian sighs and swings open the door. Two guys and a girl look at him. 

      "S-Sebastian," the one with glasses and purple hair stammered. 

      "It's not what it looks like," the one with a sun hat and blond hair whispered staring down at his shoes. 

      Sebastian sighed looking at the one with chef clothing and a cigarette hanging from his mouth, "Bard what happened here." 

      "We were just making some welcome cookies for the new maid. I turned up the heat because we were running out of time before she would wake up. We then turned around to start cleaning up the kitchen for one second and boom," Bard grumbled while scratching the back of his head. 

      Sebastian shook his head and demanded, "Clean this up quickly we still have a lot of preparations we must attend to before the ball."

      "Ball?" I blurted out. 

      "Oh yes there is a ball that will be held at the young master's manor in a few days," the girl with the glasses and purple hair answered. 

      "Is there any reason for this ball?" I asked. 

      "Not really it's just kind of like a greeting thing to strengthen relationships I guess. Oh, and I'm May-Rin by the way," May-Rin replied. 

      "I'm Y/N," I said. 

      "What a beautiful name! I'm Finny," Finny declared cheerfully. 

      "I'm Bard," Bard said. 

      "It's nice to meet all of you," I said. 

      "Well then now that introductions are out of the way, here is your list of tasks to do for the day," Sebastian explained. I took the sheet of paper and smiled. 

      "I better get going. Good luck everyone," Sebastian said with a bow. I look down the list and begin the first task.

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