'Wait...isn't this supposed to be my test of trustworthiness? Why am I doing this then?' Sirius looked at Izutoko who had a blank look. 'You're trying to see if I'm trustworthy by trying if I would willingly lie and manipulate my friends.' Sirius spoke in a slight angry tone. Izutoko sighed. 'Alright, you did it. But now you have to lift the mist and convince them about the survival thing.' Sirius nodded and began plotting. He took out the wand with the Golden Glitz touch. Nothing happened when he tried to cast a harmless spell.

'Was his hypothesis wrong? Try using a more destructive spell.' Izutoko spoke. Sirius looked at him suspiciously. Just like he said to his friends, "he's good at manipulating situations". Sirius muttered a destructive spell, nothing happened again. Sirius huffed, if magic wasn't able to even seep through the wand, then he had nothing to project his magic. Izutoko just shook his head before walking up to him.

'Hey blueberry and dead tree! We got a sight!' Dillian shouted from not to far. Izutoko stopped and looked in the direction of the noise. He quickly jogged along with Sirius. When they looked down at the area, it was covered in a light layer of frost. 'Usually, Dillian leaves suspicious stuff like this for us to find later, but since it's hot out, the snow should be melting.' Clara monotonously spoke out while everyone else looked around the white space. Sirius quickly lifted the mist spell and everyone suddenly looked confused.

'Woah! Frost in the middle of nowhere!' Edeni said while pointing at the obvious color. Kamiday and Amelia backed away a bit for the two late lads to inspect. 'If I see anymore of this Imma just run out.' Takami said as she had backed up as well while shaking her head. She was slightly dancing. Clara glared at Izutoko for a bit before at the sight. Sirius caught that glare though. 'Weren't we supposed to be heading back now? Like back to the school? I don't want to though but these woods are giving me the creeps.' Adele said while looking around the trees that were taller than her. Nightfall was coming.

'We should head back to camp. Then we could go back to the school.....' Tyran trailed off. 'I really don't wanna go back though.' He said with a laugh, Edeni snorted before laughing along with him. 'D-dude! L-Last time you said that you g-got folded by B-Brink!' Edeni said out loud with the most obnoxious laughter. Dillian and a few of her friends began laughing as well. 'That's right! Brink told me that Tyran got his butt whooped because he said that! When I went to see him, he was folded like an omelette!' Takami said while trying to stifle her laugh. Sirius was also bursting out with laughter. Izutoko stood there awkwardly and confused.

The group were back at their moved campsite since they didn't want to be near sus content. They had more diabetes to eat such as s'mores. When they all needed to sleep, before they could even say they wanted rest, foot steps were heard. It wasn't like the rustling on the first day, it was sticks snapping and leaved crunching. Everyone looked at each other in attendance. Their team members were all present. Who was this mysterious person? Was it the back-up team already making a move to find them?

'Guys, I haven't told you yet but, we have to stay in this forest longer than anticipated because of delay.' Sirius said as the bonfire illuminated orange on everyone's faces. 'Isn't that the same thing?' Adele said while leaning forward with her hands on her knees. Everyone sat around the fire like a cult yearning for the warmth in the empty air. Takami was scrolling through her phone before she covered her mouth. Adele looked at her in concern. Takami showed her phone to her face and the both started squealing. The other girls had went over to investigate except for Clara. She was looking in the fire mindlessly. A minute later, the girls started fangirling over an anime character.

'How do you guys forget about things so easily?' Izutoko asked Sirius in a quiet tone. Sirius just shrugged. But the way no one was moving to their tents was a sign that they knew something was still in the dark. Edeni had suddenly yawned, making everyone else yawn. Clara had grabbed her set of arrows and her bow. She stood up abruptly and was ready to shoot in the darkness. This alerted everyone else. They too, had gotten their artifacts ready and activated their aura control magic. The mixed colors of magic was swarming the area and their bodies. Something was moving in the dark and Clara's arrow was following it. She pulled back farther until a narrow blast of white and blue magic flew at her. She released with a great amount of force and the ice obliterated into small pieces.

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