Dean Imagine : Campsite

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Great. Well done y/n. A few minutes ago I was in a tent with my two friends and now I'm lost in these dark, god-forsaken woods. I look around trying to see if I've been here before, to try and back track. This tree looks familiar. I step closer and realise, it's not a tree I've seen before. All the trees look the same damn it. I suddenly see an opening in the trees. Maybe this is where the tent is. I walk closer and weave between the trees.

I look up and can now see the full moon in all its glory. It's really hard to see considering it's the middle of the night, but at least the moon provides some light. My teeth begin to chatter as a cold wind gust hits me making a shiver go up my spine. If only I was wearing more than a thin flannel and jeans. I suddenly hear a low growl come from behind me. Fear takes over my body and I feel like I'm frozen. I hear sticks cracking and leaves crunching under the feet of the growling creature behind me. It can't be a wolf, not in these woods. I slowly shuffle my feet so I can turn around and see what is behind me.

I'm greeted by human-figure, but they have these large claws on their fingernails and huge sharp canines pointing out of their mouth. But the most inhuman thing about them was their malicious yellow eyes. They slowly begin to pace towards me, taking meaningful strides. Now would probably be a good time to run. I start stepping backwards, not leaving the gaze of the creature before me. I feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest, and it seems to be the only thing I can hear. A rush of adrenaline fills my veins and I turn around and sprint.

The adrenaline takes over and I jump and leap over the tree roots. I hear panting behind me which only fuels me more. The shear thrill and panic is overwhelming and I know I won't be able to run for long. I can hear the claws of the creature digging into the ground and scraping along the tree roots as it runs behind me. I can't look back otherwise I may slow down or fall over, but I can tell that it's closing in. Oxygen starts to become more and more difficult to breathe in, and my throat is beginning to feel scratchy. I can hear the hungered growls of the creature and it is now only a few metres away.

When I'm almost at breaking point and my vision is becoming more and more cloudy, a gunshot rings throughout the forest and my ears feel like they're going to explode. I make a sharp turn around a tree just to be safe and look behind me. There is no longer a growling creature behind me but there are two tall male figures holding guns. My vision is becoming more and more blurry and my legs are having trouble keeping my body up. One of the men glances around. He notices me and motions for the other one to come over. My legs suddenly become jelly and my vision tilts. I can no longer take the exhaustion and I give way to unconsciousness.

* * *

My eyes drift open and the blinding light from the windows gives me a headache. I attempt to sit up and it feels as though all of my muscles are on fire. My vision clears and I see that I'm in a dusty-looking motel room. A door opens and a vERy attractive man comes in holding two beers. "Ahh you're awake, how're you feeling?" he walks over and sits next to the bed. I now recognise him as one of the guys I saw in the woods. Wait how am I not dead? "What happened? What was that thing?" I say urgently.

"Easy tiger, you were running around the woods and a werewolf was tailing you."
"Wait, wait, those exist?" he nods his head and I slump my shoulders. Silent for a moment before I talk again, "Uh, who are you?"
"My name is Dean." he says, a small smile on his lips. "Weren't there two of you?"
"Ah, that's my brother Sam."
"Oh" It's silent again. "I'm y/n by the way." he smiles at me again.

"Want a beer?" he holds out one of the bottles and I take one nodding a thankyou. He sits next to me on the bed and takes a sip of his beer. I sip from mine before contemplating, "Did you kill it?" i ask. "The werewolf? Yeah, silver bullet to the heart." I nod. "So, do any other things exist? Like vampires or ghosts?" I say chuckling a little. "Yeah, and demons, angels, there's quite the list actually." he states. "Wait, really?"
"Oh" I slump down against the bed frame. Werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons, they're all real. All this time and no one has noticed.

"Do you want something to eat?" before I can answer, he's up and walking over to the fridge. He pulls out a hamburger, causing my stomach to rumble. He walks back over and hands it to me. "Thanks." I take a bite and hunger washes over me, and I start eating so fast that Dean chuckles, "Hungry, huh?" I mumble a "mhm" through each mouthful and soon the burger is gone.

"Hey, where are my friends? Are they okay?" I ask, suddenly remembering. Dean looks at me apologetically, "I'm sorry y/n." Tears well up in my eyes, "The werewolf got to them before we could save them."
"No," they start to flow freely down my face, "No, no," I bring my hands up to my eyes and attempt to wipe them away but new ones just replace them. Dean scoots closer to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders protectively. "Shh." I sob into his chest as his arms moves down to my back, rubbing soothing circles, his other arm holding my shoulders. "They were my best friends, they didn't deserve this. They deserved long and happy lives." my arms grip tighter around his waist. "You'll be okay y/n." he holds me closer, "you'll be okay."

(terrible chapter sorry!) :(

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