Dean Imagine : Hurt

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The Winchesters and I were just working on an ordinary case, when everything went wrong, and it was my fault. We went into the abandoned building to kill the small nest of vampires. We snuck in through the door with machetes in hand. Dean slowly opened the door and it creaked, making me cringe, but the vampires didn't wake from their hammocks. There were only about 4 vampires there, sleeping, but I distinctly remember there being 6.

Dean walks in further and me and Sam follow behind him. Suddenly a figure appears from our right and it tackles Dean to the ground and punches him in the face. I let out a slight scream but quickly cover my mouth with my hand. My scream alerts the other vampires and they quickly rush to their feet. Sam swiftly chops off the head of the vampire holding Dean down, and that's the last thing I see before someone hits my head and everything goes black.

I wake up and see that I'm lying on the floor of an abandoned building. I look ahead of me and see Sam and Dean both tied to poles by their wrists. They have cuts and bruises along their faces, and a wave of guilt washes over me. If I hadn't screamed then this would have never happened.

I look around some more, still trying to act unconscious and see 2 vampires circling around them like predators do to their prey. Sam and Dean must've killed the other 3. One of the vampires is holding a dagger and he slices it along Dean's cheekbone, letting blood ooze out. I notice that I have my machete nearby. I get up slowly, making sure that the vampires won't see me, then I grab the knife and run at the vampires and slice both of their heads off in one swift motion.

Once their heads are rolling along the floor, I go over to Sam and cut the rope off his wrists. Then I go over to Dean and cut the rope. "I am so sorry guys, I didn't mean too I just-" I ramble, "Hey, it's okay, we survived." Dean says as he pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. "Just don't let it happen again."

He lets me go and I examine both of the boy's injuries. "Are you alright?" you say, gesturing to there bruises and cuts. "We're fine y/n." Sam smiles. "Let's get back to the bunker and clean up your cuts." I say as we walk back to the Impala.

As we walk, I notice that Dean is clutching his shoulder and every now and then he'll flinch in pain. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask him as we get into the Impala. "Y/n don't worry I'm fine." Dean replied. I knew he was just putting on a brave face and was hiding the pain.

Once we returned to the bunker, I got a wet cloth and handed it to Sam and told him to put it on his bruised eye. He thanked me and walked away. "Dean, can I please look at your shoulder?"
"Y/n really, I'm fine." he sits down and winces again, "You're not as fine as you're saying." I tell him.

I sit next to him and pull down the collar of his shirt gently. The cut is quite deep and it's going to need stitches. "Dean, it needs stitches, I'm gonna get the first aid kit." I get up and get the kit. I come back and sit down. "Dean, uh, could you please, take your shirt off?" I ask blushing.

He smirks at me and pulls it over his head. I blush even more as I grab the cleaning alcohol. "This is gonna sting so.." I say as I gently dab it on. Dean takes in a sharp breath. "Sorry."

I begin to stitch up his wound and I concentrate as hard as you can, making sure to not get it wrong. I glance up at Deans face to check that it isn't hurting too much. I'm surprised to see that he's already looking at my lips, which makes me blush even more and I look back down at his shoulder.

Once it's done, I dab on more alcohol so that it doesn't get infected. "Do you want me to go and get some painkillers?" I ask him. "Could you just kiss it better?" I blush more but then peck a spot next to the cut, making sure to not irritate it. "Better now?"
"Much better."

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