Dean Imagine : Djinn

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"Do you have a case yet Sammy?" I ask as I sip my coffee. "Uh yeah, bodies have been found in an abandoned warehouse in Wyoming with their insides turned to mush, looks like a Djinn to me."
"Wait wait, what the hell's a Djinn?"
"Djinns are genie-like creatures that suck blood from their victims, they knock the victim out using their 'magic' and the victim is put into a coma. While the victim is unconscious, they are put into a world where all of their wishes are reality, but in the real world, the djinn is slowly draining them of their blood until they die."
"Lovely." I say in disgust.

"We should probably wake Dean up and start heading to Wyoming." Sam states. "I'll do it." I say a little to quickly. "okay." Sam shrugs. I walk up the stairs to Dean's bedroom then I knock on the door. Dean opens the door wearing nothing but a white shirt and black pants. His hair is messy and his eyes are half open. I don't notice that I'm staring until he speaks, "What is it?" his voice groggy.

"Oh, right, Sam found a potential Djinn case in a warehouse in Wyoming." he wipes his eye with his fingers and lets out a yawn. "What time is it?" I check my watch. "6:34" I answer. "Are you serious? You guys are like roosters, I'll be down in a minute." he closes the door and I sigh and smile before walking downstairs.

Sam and I start packing our bags, "how do you kill a Djinn?" I ask him, "silver knife dipped in lambs blood." he holds up a plastic container with the dark red liquid swishing around in it. I cringe at it and zip up my bag. Dean comes down the stairs carrying his bag and grabs his car keys, "Let's go." he says with a cheesy smile and a thumbs up and I roll my eyes at him.

"I call shotgun!" I yell as we exit the bunker and Sam curses under his breath. Dean sits in the drivers seat and I get in next to him while Sam sits behind us. Dean inserts a cassette tape into the player and 'Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi' comes on. "Really Dean?" I say smirking at him. "What? Bon Jovi rocks, on occasion." I roll my eyes and see Sam rolling his eyes too.

"Its all the same, only the names will change. Come on y/n sing with me!" he playfully punches my arm and I join in.
"Everyday it seems we're wasting away,
another place where the faces are so cold,
I'd drive all night just to get back home."
Dean grins at me and I grin back we put all our energy into the chorus.

"I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride.
I'm wanted dead or alive,
wanted dead or alive."
I play the air guitar and pretend I'm playing the chords and Dean laughs. I've always loved the sound of his laugh, and also his freckles that run along his nose, and his protectiveness over everyone he knows. If only he didn't loathe himself so much, I could help him, I could be his saviour, he just needs to believe that he is worth it.

"You okay y/n?" he asks nudging my thigh. I snap out of my daydream at his sudden touch, "Oh, yeah I'm fine." I smile at him and he smiles but with concern on his face.

After a few ours we arrive at Wyoming. "Where's the warehouse on the map?" Dean asks me. I unfold the map and scan the roads. "Just down that road." I say pointed ahead and he accelerates. We arrive at the grimy warehouse and I shudder. The three of us get our red tipped silver blades and torches from the trunk and head inside.

Sam opens the door and it creaks slightly and he says, "Alright, Dean you head left, I'll go that way, and y/n, you go right." I nod at him in response, and Dean looks over to me, "Y/n are you sure? You've never hunted a djinn before, do you want me to come with you?" I shake my head, "I'll be fine Dean, besides, it will be better if we cover more ground it will be easier to find the son of a bitch." he takes one last look at me and we head our separate ways.

I walk to the left and hold up my torch, my blade at the ready. I hear shuffling in the distance and I narrow my eyes, holding my blade higher. I see a blue flicker by a pile of crates and I stop to look around. Suddenly, the djinn comes at me and holds me against a wall. He holds my arm against the wall and I drop my knife. I try to struggle out of his grip but he's bigger than me.

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