Dean Imagine: Ghostfacers

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Being Ed's sister sucked, especially when all of the other 'Ghostfacers' left. So now, I have been forced by Ed and Harry to go along with them on a 'hunt'. Apparently, there's a building that's haunted by a ghost. I've never believed in ghosts, and I'm not gonna start believing anytime soon.

The three of us get into the Ghostfacers van and close the doors. Ed and Harry sit in the front while I sit uncomfortably in the back. We drive down a bumpy and dusty road to the building. Harry turns around and faces me, handing me a camera. "What's this for?" I ask. "Because, you're gonna record all of it and then we'll upload it onto our website, then there'll be proof that ghosts are real."
"But they're not real."
"Yeah they are."
"No they're not."
"Yeah, they are."
"No, they're not."
"Guys! Shut up, we're here."
We turn into the driveway of an old and ugly building that looks like it's falling apart. It had a weird eerie atmosphere and I'll admit, I was freaking out a little. We all get out and head to the back of the van. I grab the camera and a flashlight, Ed and Harry grabbing a flashlight each. We close the van doors and head towards the building.

"Y/n, turn on the camera." I let out a 'hmph' and turn it on. This is stupid. I hold up the camera and Ed and Harry stand in view. "Hello, if you are watching this, you are probably pondering the possibility of ghosts existing in the mortal world. Well today, we are going to prove that they do in fact, exist." I stop recording, "Guys, this is stupid." Ed looks at me, annoyed, "Trust us y/n-"
"I don't trust you." He sighs. "Trust us y/n, it'll be fine. We're just gonna go in there, find the ghost, record it, and leave. Simple. No harm done." I felt a queasy and uneasy feeling rise in my stomach, as if I knew that something would definitely go wrong.

Harry walks up to the front door and attempts to pick the lock, his fingers fumbling. I sigh exasperatedly, "Let me do it you idiot." I walk over and pull a bobby pin out of my ponytail and jam it in the lock. It clicks and the door opens. "You're welcome."

Inside looks a thousand times creepier than the outside. The wallpaper is all a dark grey colour and peeling off the walls. The wooden floorboards creak with every step. I shudder at the creepiness. Ed and Harry walk ahead of me, their flashlights pointed ahead of them. I turn mine on and walk steadily behind them. We turn a corner into what used to be a living room. A rat crawls past my foot and I scream. "Shh y/n! You'll annoy the ghost." Ed shushes me and I breathe slowly, in and out.

We all look around at the mouldy shelves and the rusty windows. I suddenly hear a creaking noise coming from the staircase. We all turn around quickly. I start to panic. Okay, maybe ghosts are real. The creaking noise comes closer down the stairs. Maybe this particular ghost wants to kill everyone. Panicpanicpanic. Two tall men walk down the stairs holding flashlights and guns, wait, guns? "What are you guys doing? It's dangerous here, you all need to leave." A guy with shorter hair comes down the stairs first, a taller guy walks down after him.

Harry walks closer to the guys. "Hey, I know you from somewhere." he looks at the two guys closely, taking in every detail. "Hey, you're those fuckers from Texas." The two guys look at each other, "Hey, you're the uh, uh, Ghostfacers right? Where's the rest of you?" Ed looks at the floor, "They all left, after Corbett, they couldn't stay." Ed sniffles.

"Oh" the shorter one said, "Who's this then?" he gestures to me and winks and I scoff in response, but I can't deny it, he's cute. "Y/n." I say,"Who are you?"
"Well my name is Dean and this is my brother Sam." Ed walks over, "Well this was lovely and all but there is a ghost in this building and we intend on finding it, so if you could leave it to the professionals that would be great."

"Well you're right, there is a ghost in this building and it's a very angry one and it's not safe." Dean says, "You guys are gonna have to leave, otherwise you could get seriously hurt." Harry steps forward, "No, we will not stand down, the Ghostfacers will not be defeated!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes, "Well I don't know about you guys but I am definitely leaving." I head to the door and I'm about to leave when it suddenly slams in my face. I scream and drop the camera.

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