Chapter.6: Night.

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Ruv POV:

It had been four weeks after the water park incident, and Whitty was making dinner. We had planned on making some pizza, one for Sarv that's extra cheesy, and another for me and Whitty that had sausage and pepperoni. We are eating when Whitty gets a call." Hey Carol! What's up? Wait WHAT?! Give me a sec I'll be right there!!!" He put down his plate and ran into his room. He came out wearing his hoodie and some sneakers, and got his keys." Hey! Where ya going?" "It's important business! I'll back soon!" "Oooooo can we come?" Whitty looked at me and I nodded, so he said yes. I got on my boots and Sarv put on some sneakers and we headed out." So what's the deal?" "Well..." Whitty explained that Carol, the short friend, had called him because Hex, the robot, got a virus. The little blue haired guy and his Gf were battling him, while Carol was trying to delete it. Hex-the virus-was going crazy, almost destroyed the whole park. Whitty was driving fast, past the speed limit even. When we got there, I saw red and blue, then it went back to normal." HEX!!!" Whitty jumped out the car and immediately ran up to Hex. The blue haired guy stoped rapping and stared at Whitty, who was trying to calm down Hex. The virus inside of Hex had done something that was bad....really bad...

Hex POV:

GET OUT OF ME!!! PLEASE!!! The virus in me was overpowering, and the Bf had stopped rapping. I panicked. I felt hands, metal. I also felt some other hands. The virus"HEX!! HEX DON'T LET IT TAKE OVER!!! DO NOT!!!" I realized that metallic voice from anywhere. It was Whitty!!! WHITTY!!! WHITTY HELP-" They can't hear you Hex. Is useless. PLEASE!!! I DONT WANNA HURT MY FRIENDS!! To late~... Whitty's hands let go of me, and o smelt burning....WHITTY. He was about to go ballistic!!! THE VIRUS!! STOP, PLEASE- I heard screaming and there it was...

Ruv POV:

The virus in Hex and left, but Whitty when he was in the alleyway...oh shit. Hex then went into sleep mode, but only for a second. He immediately woke up and saw Whitty, and tried to calm him down. Whitty looked down at the robot and picked him up and threw him, hard. Sarv and me were standing outside the park area. Whitty then picked up Carol and threw her too. He looked at me and Sarv, because the Bf and his Gf had left. He stopped towards us and picked up Sarv first." WHITTY!!!" Sarv frantically yelled, and I tried to make him let her go. He then picked me up in his other hand, squeezing my torso. Fuck. I couldn't speak, the force was to harsh. Whitty then loosened his grip, and u was able to say something." Whitty-calm down, it's just the virus...I think.." Whitty looked at me and then closed his eyes. He put me and Sarv down then put out the flame that was close to his head. It left a sizzling sound, and Whitty instantly fell. I saved his head from hitting the ground, then looked at him. He was totally knocked out by the impact." Whitty!!" I heard a robotic voice and footsteps. Carol and Hex were running over." What happened? Did he die?!" I shook my head." He just passed out. The impact of rage can take someone out pretty fast." Carol and Hex nodded and kneeled down beside Whitty. Sarv sat beside me and looked me up and down." Hey you look worn down. And hot." I glared at Sarv." I meant the temperature!" I then looked at Whitty and realized that his head was on my lap." It's because of him. He's a bomb, so heat runs through his body. It makes my temperature go up more then usual." Sarv nodded. A few hours went by and Whitty woke up. I told him I'd drive, sent he might still be drowsy. He nodded and we got in the car. Hex said that he could walk home, and Carol had a car. I started driving, with Sarv in the seat behind me and Whitty in the front seat. He had to seat tilted back and his hoodie off, and that's when I realized- he doesn't wear a shirt under his hoodie. I looked at him and blushed a bit. Sarv saw me and gave me The Eyebrow Raise. That's what she called it. I took my hand and pushed her back, so she fell against the seat. We got home and I helped Whitty in the house, and into bed. I went to go get a wash rag and wet it in some cool water to put on his head. When I got back he was already asleep, so I just put it on his head softly. He moved a bit as groaned softly. I then decided it was best if he had something soothing done, and all I could think of was a kiss. I quickly leaned in, took the rag off his head softly, and kissed his forehead. I put the rag back on his head and began to walk away. I looked back and he had a small smile on his face." Hey..." Whitty opened his eyes and smiled at me. I turned red. He then got outta bed and walked up to me. I forgot how tall he was, so he bent down. He then took me by the hand and pulled me in, on hand in mine and the other wrapped around me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He then leaned toward and kissed me. On the lips. I turned red, but kissed back. It was...nice. I tried to smile and he chuckled. He took the sides of my mouth and put them down, in a way of saying that he knew it hurt. He hugged him and he hugged back. Sarv taught me what a hug was, but I hadn't got the hang of it. Whitty picked me up and sat me on the bed. He said it was gonna be a fun night. I wonder what he...oh.

Hehehe. They did the 👹DEVILS TANGO👹

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