Chapter.5:Waterpark Trauma

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"Here we are boys! The water park!!" Ruv looked around and then groaned, and Whitty smiled. He looked at Ruv." You don't wanna be here? We can go if you don't." "No, it's fine. I just don't like people. Crowds of people." Whitty walked over to Ruv and bent down to hug him. Ruv immediately turned red in shock, and I raised my eyebrows in a sexy~way. Ruv glared at me then stopped when Whitty picked him up and put him on his shoulder." What are you doing?" "About to get you wet!" Whitty dropped the supplies and held onto Ruv's legs. He started running towards the pool, and before Ruv could jump off, Whitty had already jumped in the pool. I laughed when I saw Ruv wet like a cat! Whitty laughed too and then got out. Ruv jumped out and ran over to our stuff. He picked it up and glared at Whitty. Me and Whitty continued to laughed. We found a spot and set up there, and I headed to the water slides. Whitty said that he and Ruv were gonna go to the pool. Hehe. You should've SEEN Ruv's face!!!

Ruv POV:

I was kinda mad at Whitty for what he did, then he grabbed me and buy me on his back, and when he got to the pool, he dropped me in. He then jumped in, and started swimming underwater. I didn't usually go to pools, so I don't like to swim. I then felt a tug and then was pulled under water and facing Whitty. I quickly swam back up and Whitty came up to to catch his breath. He laughed at the sight of me. I have to admit, it was kinda cute. So I just started swimming, being carful not to bump into anyone. Whitty got out and got some floats, and pool noodles. He then threw a float at me, and I immediately got on it. It was a watermelon float, so yeah, I was cool with it. Whitty then whacked me with a pool noodle, not to hard tho. I immediately grabbed one and whacked him back, so for we were in the pool whacking each other for a long time. We then decided to go to the water slides, since we wanted to prank Sarv, again. When we arrived, we saw Sarv close to the big slide, and we ended up pushing her down. She came back up and then pushed Whitty down it, and me after him. Whitty came back up carrying me bridal style, all because I didn't feel like walking and the impact of water had put a pain in my legs. Sarv laughed at me, and started to taunt me, so I had to teach her a lesson. You don't wanna know what happened next. It was...crazy....

Whitty POV:

"COME HERE SARVENTE!!!" "NO!!!" I'm running after Ruv who is running after Sarv who is running from Ruv. I laugh. The lifeguard is practically yelling at us." Hey! Stop running!!! Stop it!!!!" We keep running, laughing and everything! Until Sarv suddenly falls and so does Ruv. I stop and try to get them, but they hit their heads on the sidewalk and fell into the pool. The pool filled with blood, and everyone jumped out. The lifeguards jump into the pool and get Sarv and Ruv out of the pool. I dropped beside them both and start rambling frantically. The lifeguard calls the ambulance and the last thing that I hear is sirens before being injected and falling asleep. I must've been about to blow...

                       {6 hours later}

"Ughh, what happened?.." "Good morning sir! It's good that your awake. We had to inject you with a medicine that put you to sleep, you looked like you were about to blow up the pool!" I looked at them with a confused look on my face, then remembered." Where's Ruv?! Where's Sarv?!" I got up immediately rushed out of the room I was in. The doctors tried to stop me but I just ran, looking into every room there was. I then saw Ruv in one room and rushed in. I ran up to the side of the bed and looked down at him. He was passed out, with a bandage wrapped across his head." What happened to him?!" The doctors quieted me down and then explained what happened and how he could have died. I then asked where Sarv was, and they told me. I went to Sarvs room, where she was waking up slowly. I stood beside the bed and asked Sarv how she felt." A bit sluggish but I'll be fine." She then smiled at me a little and I smiled back and told her about Ruv and what had happened. She tried to get up, but the doctors said that she still had to rest, they had to run test on her to make sure she was ok to go home. They also had to run test on Ruv to make sure that he would eventually wake up, since his body was now kinda weak. After a few hours Ruv woke up, and me and Sarv were there in his room. When he woke up he looked to the side and waved at us. I got up and hugged him lightly, but at the same time tight. Sarv did the same and started crying a bit. She must have been sad. Ruv just looked up and chuckled a bit. He knew it hurt, but he did it anyways. It was cute.

Ruv x whitty:)-DISCONTINUED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang