Chapter.1:Meeting "them"

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Ruv POV:

This blue haired asshole and his girlfriend got me and Sarvente kicked out. Yep. The priest saw Sarvente her demon form, and I almost tore down the building with my singing. Me and her are now walking on the sidewalk, the sun setting slowly, and almost as if it was sad as well. One thing I know is that that blue haired asshole and his girlfriend are gonna fucking pay, with or without Sarvente's help.

Sarv POV:

I'm not sure how Ruv is feeling but, I think that he is just as sad as me. He can't really show emotions, so it's hard to tell how he is feeling. There's a silence. And long one. After a while I decided to break that,"So, what are we gonna do?" Ruv doesn't answer. He just looks at me with a plain face. I'm trying to stay cheerful as the thought lingers in my mind, what now? Should I It's not worth it, not now.I'm still thinking to myself when I hear screaming. I jump and look at Ruv, who was staring down an alleyway. I took hold of his arm and looked, and what I saw was...weird.

Ruv POV:

Sarvente takes hold of my arm, as I'm staring into an alleyway. What I'm seeing is...weird. It's a guy...with a bomb for a head, and that blue haired guy and his girlfriend. He looks crazy, as if he was going to blow up. He starts singing fast, to the point where I can't make it out. After the song was finished, the blue haired guy grabbed his girlfriend and ran off, fast too. The guy with a bomb head is shaking, and I can tell he saw me and Sarvente out the corner of his eye, because he came stomping towards us. His eyes were wide, orange with a glow, and there were shapes. Many. He looked down as if we were lizards he could easily step on."WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT HUH?!"His voice was raspy, and he was tall af. I couldn't really speak, so all I said was,"You're a bomb." Stupid! Now he must be madder. But to me and Sarvente's surprise, we hear a voice yelling,"WHITTY!! WHITTY NO!!!" The next thing I know, is that a tiny person and a robot have calmed down the bomb headed guy, as if they were specialized calmer's. I turn to Sarvente, as I can see she is now calm, somewhat. I'm still staring at the bomb, who was so much taller then me. It was weird.

Whitty POV:

Hex and Carol came just in time, I was about to blow. I'm sitting and looking at this guy and girl. The guy is looking down at me, and the girl is looking at the guy. I'm pretty sure the guy is Russian, from the way he spoke. I'm guessing he is probably confused. Yea, definitely."Well, I better get home, it's getting late." I get up with a huff, and look down at the guy, who was still staring. The girl quickly said,"Hi! I'm Sarv, and this is Ruv! We just got kicked out of church!"Ruv nudges Sarv and shakes his head. I sigh and hold out my hand," The names Whitty, sorry you had to see...that." Ruv looks at my hand and shakes it, and it's small compared to mine.

Ruv POV:

This guy...I don't know what to say. It's clear that he is actually a soft guy, only getting mad when he has to, like me. I'm guessing he thinks I'm weird, yea. Sarv is so hyper sometimes that she spills to much to others, so I have to remind her to calm down. Whitty, I guess that's his name, is looking down at me. His hand is awfully warm, yet nice..."Uh, you ok? You look like you've zoned out!"Whitty let's go of my hand. I nod slowly, and look to the sides. I take out my phone and see a and Sarvente's house has just been taken from us. But we paid rent everytime it was due...kept the place nice...what? Sarv looks at my phone and gasp. I start walking away, somewhat fast, and Sarv runs up behind me,"Ruv! Wait! I have an idea." She stopped me and ran up to Whitty. What is she...oh god no.

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