Chapter.3:Movie Night

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Ruv POV:

Whitty just came back looking like he had left from a party, weird. Sarv was done making tacos like, 2, 3 hours maybe before Whitty was back, so we were eating. Whitty ran into the living room and placed some vodka and cups on the table, while rambling." You guys said you got kicked out of a church right??" Sarv nodded." Well, I just heard the radio, and Sarv, your a DEMON?!" Sarv's face instantly turned red from embarrassment, and my face, well, stayed the same. Whitty was smiling from ear to ear, and kept on rambling." And Ruv! You must have a strong ass voice, since it tore down the church!!!! Can I hear it? Maybe we can make up a duet, we would sound awesome!!!!" He was so vibrant. He gave off a shine....he made me happy. Although I couldn't smile, I tried. Ow..." Ruv stop that you know it hurts" Sarv elbowed me and I stopped. Whitty looked surprised." You can't smile? That's something!" He took the bags and put them in a cabinet, then came and sat down next to me. I poured some vodka in a cup and offered some to Whitty, but he refused." I don't like vodka, not my style. I just like wine and stuff. Thanks tho!" I gave some to Sarv and drank some myself. The nice taste of vodka makes me feel better. Yea. I went to go get some chips, but they were high as HELL. Sarv came in and saw me and laughed at me. I glared at her as Whitty came in and laughed. He covered his mouth with one hand and got down the chips I wanted." Shortyyyyyyyy!!!!" Sarv taunted me for hours, until I finally decided to cave in. I told Whitty and Sarv goodnight and went into the bedroom. I took off my hat, jacket, and boots, and laid in bed. It was soft, and also warm. I turned on the Tv and sooner or later found me and Sarv on the news. So now we're famous for destroying a church. Yay...I was staring at the Tv for who knows how long when I heard a knock." Come in." It was Whitty. He looked like he was about to say something important." Sarv told me that you don't do well with people, is that correct?" He leaned against the wall as I nodded." Well, just to let you know, what you saw back in the alleyway, that wasn't the true me. I'm usually a calm and collective person, until I get to my limit...that blue hair boy, I thing he was called BF, and his gf bugged me to the point where I went ballistic. Again! Sorry you had to see that. And sorry for what I said.." I looked up at him and said sheepishly," Its fine. I would have done the same. I guess you weren't in control huh?" He nodded. We locked eyes for a minute, then he said goodnight and left. That night I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about Whitty. Why do I care? Why do I have feelings for him? I just met I...falling for Whitty?...The thought lingered in my mind for hours, until finally I tapped out and fell asleep.


Whitty POV:

I woke up early and heard a noise. Getting outta bed, I saw a figure. A black figure. The fuck is that? I got up and went into the front room, making sure nothing was stolen. I went into the kitchen and saw that there was a bottle of vodka sitting out on the counter. I looked at saw Ruv coming out of his room, I guess to watch Tv. I put the vodka back in the fridge, and sat with Ruv, who was scrolling on his phone." Watcha doing?" " Looking for a house." I looked over and well, sure enough he was. I looked with him for over some time, and I saw a house that looked good for him and Sarv." Hey, I found a house that would be perfect for you and Sarv! Look!" I showed it to him and he nodded in agreement, then set up plans with a real estate agent." The house won't be ready for at least a month or two, so we're gonna have to wait. I'll find a hotel or somethin' that me and Sarv could stay in-" I stopped him." Woah, woah, WOAH! Why do you need a hotel? I'm fine with you two staying here for a month or two! It's cool." Ruv looked at me as if he was confused. That's kinda cute...wait what are you thinking? I waved my hand in front of Ruv and he shook his head." If it's fine with you." I nodded excitedly and remembered." Oh yeah! Hold on just a second!!" I got up and ran into my room. I was thinking of the coolest stuff!!!

Ruv POV:

Whitty had ran into his room to get something, I don't know what. He came back with some CD's and laid them out on the table." This are songs that me and you could sing!! How about it? I could play each song and then we could make an awesome duet!!" I shook my head." My voice would tear down your house, and I don't think wanna do that..." Whitty sighs dramatically and flopped down on the couch. He kept doing that for hours and hours and hours." Fine." Whitty jumped up in excitement." YEAH!" He ran to wake up Sarv, who was just now getting up already. When she was done with her morning routine, Whitty played some CD's. They were nice songs, not to shabby. Then he started singing. It was raspy a bit, but in a nice way. He was calm with them, very calm. Sarv was bobbing her head to the beat and humming along. When Whitty stopped singing in the middle of a song, I was confused. He then handed me the mic, and I was shocked. He laughed and looked down at me." C'mon! It'll be good to get a little out!" I shook my head because I knew it was a bad idea. But Whitty continued to bug me about. I finally caved in and started singing, softly but so I could be heard. Whitty was amazed. He hyped me up and got me to sing louder and louder. Then Whitty started singing, which was unexpected. We sang for like, 6 hours or so-oh and in the middle of it Whitty's friends came over, the girl and robot, who's names were Carol and Hex- yea, it was fun. I guess. We all took a break and decided to settle down, and Sarv and Carol started talking about having a sleepover. Hex, Whitty, and me were just talking about things. Then Sarv went into her room and packed some stuff, and said that she was having a sleepover with Carol. I nodded and told her to be back by morning. She groaned at that and left with Carol. Hex stayed for a few hours before leaving, so it was just me and Whitty. We sat in silence for a bit, until Whitty broke that." So, whatcha wanna do? We could watch a movie and eat popcorn, or go out to a club of somthin' like that, or just go to bed. Watcha got in mind?" I thought to myself for a bit then decided," Movie I guess, you up?" He nodded and we picked a movie. He went to make some popcorn, 3 bowls incase we wanted more. We turned off all the lights and started the movie. Oh also, Whitty is really good at pillow forts.

{some hours later}
Whitty POV:

The movie me and Ruv are watching is CRAZY! But it's still enjoyable! I made two pillow forts, one for him and one for me. Ruv seems to enjoy them. Cute. After the first movie we watched another, then another, then ANOTHER. Yep. Four hours. Wow. In the middle of the fourth movie, Ruv got up to get the other popcorn bowl, and knocked over his pillow fort. I laughed. It was pretty funny, I'm not gonna lie. He was sad after that, but still got the other popcorn bowl. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. After a bit, I offered him if he wanted to join me in my pillow fort, and he didn't even hesitate. He jumped right in, being careful not to knock it over. It was big enough for both of us, so I was on one side and he was one the other. I looked over at him and he seemed comfortable. AHHHHHH SO CUTEEEEEEE- my brain filled up with many thoughts, and I ended up not knowing what happened in the movie. We watched about 3/1 more, the reason I say that is because Ruv fell asleep on the last movie. I looked over and saw him laid down and asleep. I smiled and carefully took down the pillow fort, put away the popcorn bowls, and turned off the Tv. I picked up Ruv lightly is bride style, then carried him into my room, and laid him down on my bed. I took off his hat and I took off my hoodie. I got in bed and turned the other way so that I couldn't see Ruv and he couldn't see me. I was about to fall asleep when I felt an arm wrap around me lightly. I looked over and saw Ruv close to me, with his arm on me. I slowly turned around and wrapped my arms around him, and he buries his face in my chest. His arms were wrapped around me and mine were wrapped around him. I blushed a bit and fell asleep. This felt. Good.

That's the end of this chapter! I go every 3 chapters then giv some author note! PLEASE TELL ME IF I NEED TO WORK ON MY GRAMMAR AND STUFF!!

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