Chapter 29- ...The half revelations

Start from the beginning


Now sitting in front of the female adults, Mazikeen was expressionless, her arms and feet folded as she looked at both women. A mechanism? Maybe, since her gaze wasn't fierce but it wasn't soft either, and that, the women were used to it. Once she awoke in the same place again, she raced down the stairs and began looking for a way out, moving books for a secret passage, or even using Harry Potter's spells to find the real exit door.

Eventually, she gave up, as there was none and from what she was told, the only way out was to speak with the women.

Of course, if someone was in her place, seeing her dead mother and the grandma she missed a lot, their reaction would have been to cry and probably scream bloody murder, but, she was Mazikeen. And Mazikeen hated being deceived, hoping for nothing and such.

« So, what's the riddle? », she figured if there was no secret passage, and that spells weren't working, maybe a riddle would.

« What riddle? », he mamà, Evangelina Castello Cooper calmly asks while sipping tea. She was amused at her daughter's way of brushing reality and although she had missed being in front of her like this, she had been watching over her from the instant she left the world and so she knew her antics.

« You truly are your father's daughter, hijita. Una chica terca. », her grandmother, Teresa Castello Sanchez, comments with a fond smile, having missed her granddaughter since she disappeared. She knew Mazikeen was being stubborn as she wanted to understand everything first instead of blindly believing and getting disappointed.

At the endearing name, Mazikeen's stiff posture relaxed and she sighed, as her heart was filled with love. Biting her lips to stop herself from being too emotional she says: « Ah, the father, I think you're talking about the biological one, abuela. I know I'm adopted so... »

The women exchanged a nervous glance which didn't go unnoticed by Mazikeen as she frowned and thought she was indeed dreaming and it wasn't real and so she'll end up getting hurt, again.

Sighing, Evangelina became serious, as not only she and her mother didn't have time to say everything they needed to say but there were lots of important things to say.

« I'm sorry for the way you found out. We didn't mean for it to happen that way. », she says sadly with a bit of anger dripping in her voice when she remembered the disgusting attitude of her ex-thankfully dead-husband towards their daughter after she died.

« Ahora todo es en el pasado. », Mazikeen breathed in a sigh, not wanting to remember what she once buried.

Standing up, Evangelina went to sit next to her daughter who stiffened when she was brought in the adult's arms, before relaxing once she smelled the familiar vanilla and caramel tea and books scent.

« You can't be here, you're dead... », Mazikeen trails off, eyes watering and hugging the woman.

« Lo sé- I'm sorry I left you when I said I wouldn't. I'm sorry you had to go through all these things and trust me if I could go back and change everything I would, mia preciosa luz. », the dead mother says softly while embracing her now crying daughter, her tears slowly falling down her face.

Mazikeen wasn't crying because she remembered her past, she was crying because of the nickname. Evangelina used to call her ''mia preciosa luz'' which meant ''my precious light'' in English. She remembered when the woman would call her that and tell her many times that she was the flash of light that had brightened her dark road. That she was a surprise for her and her family, a revelation...a gift.

Teresa who was watching the whole moment had a fond smile on her face, missing the old days where the tree would be spending time together, either cooking, playing a game, and doing many other things. She had been devastated hearing her daughter's death but mostly she had been angry once she found out the truth as to why she couldn't see her grandchildren who were kept away by the one she thought to be the perfect son-in-law for her daughter.

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