Chapter 29- ...The half revelations

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All it took was one minute. One minute in which Klaus left Mazikeen's room to wake up his older brothers to discuss her situation and once he came back, to say he was angry was an understatement as anger had been part of his daily routine in New York since Kol's problem and now Mazikeen's.

But to find his psychotic brother, Kol, on the verge of drinking her blood, was enough to throw him over the edge he was already in, putting him in an inexplicable fury and overprotectiveness.

Vamp-speeding behind his brother, Klaus snapped his neck and chained him in the basement, after having placed Mazikeen back on her bed and ordering Rebekah to keep watch on her.

Currently angrily pacing in front of his brother, Klaus was trying to remain calm and not make hasty decisions.

« What in the bloody hell is going through your head, brother? Do you realize what you were about to do? And it is not the first time either! », he was reprimanding the sulking original vampire chained to the wall. This time many chains were restraining Kol.

« Wha-no! I didn't want to, I didn't mean to, brother, you have to believe me. », Kol pleads, staring worriedly at his angry brother.

« ...Oh, I know, you are just crazier than before. Now tell me what is going on with you, or so help me God, you'll stay here chained for a century since the daggers got destroyed. », The original hybrid threatens, missing the dagger that could at least put him to sleep. Though he knew he would have broken his promise if he used it.

« I do not know what's happening to me, Klaus. One moment I was here and the next, I was itching to drink her blood. You- you can't let her near me. », Kol starts, explaining how lost he was, with tears rolling down his face. Casting his gaze to his brother, he continued.

« It's like her blood calls out to me. All I can think about is her, her scent, her blood, all of her. And that scares me because I don't know if-if I taste even one drop of her blood I'll be able to stop. And there's this feeling, this pull, like that time in the woods, I could find her without much effort, I was just following it. It's the- »

« Same you felt. You feel connected to her. », Klaus interrupts with a dazed look as he realized he too felt that way, he felt a connection with Mazikeen. One that scared him yet he didn't want to get rid of it. And sometimes he found her blood tempting.

Seeing his look, Kol, as the quick-witted person he has always been, realized something. « You fancy her too...or better yet, you feel it too. », it came out through gritted teeth as he was jealous and angry the person he liked, was liked by his brother.

It only takes one idiot to not realize that his brother fancies her and Kol knows he does too. However, stories about brothers fancying the same girl never ended well. But all he wanted was for her to be safe, and if it meant to be with his brother, then he would accept it. Not sure the animalistic part of him would.

Klaus stayed silent, knowing there was no point in lying.

« You can't hide it from us, neither from yourself Klaus...I don't have time and the thought of you and her together anger me to the point I want to tear you apart, but I'd rather have you being there for her, protect her you know how dangerous she is to herself alone have to protect her, don't tell her about me, she mustn't know. », he says both heartbroken and firm at the thought of not seeing Mazikeen.

At that, Klaus frowned and approached his brother, not understanding the words he was uttering. « Bloody hell Kol, what are you talking about? You have time- do not speak as if you were going to die. You're a Mikaelson and Mikaelsons don't give up! »

« I'm not giving up! Never! But I have to- we have to face reality brother, I already don't have much time. », Kol explains, with a pained expression while showing his desiccating fingers and feet. Immediately, Klaus's eyes widened, fear creeping up in him.

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