Prologue: Welcome to the Show

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The halls of Auradon Prep were packed to the brim with students finishing up their last few weeks of the school year. Among the well-dressed Auradonians was a group of teenagers, two boys and two girls, who were about to turn the whole place upside down.

Mal, a girl with purple hair and a black, purple, and green jacket, appeared first, stalking down the hallway, an apple in hand and a mischievous grin etched onto her face. All around her, students watched a bit warily as a peppy beat began in the background and she began to sing.


Now's the time, get in line, don't be afraid tonight.

All heads turned abruptly as Evie, an eye-catching bluenette, suddenly leaped up from a picnic table, leaving her boyfriend behind in a dazed stupor as she hurried to join Mal at the railing. Boys swooned as she passed but she ignored them all.


We're gonna take you high.

And before you realize...

Jay, a boy with long brown hair, appeared on the rooftops, back-flipping down to join the girls. He shot a wink at several girls, causing them to squeal in delight.


Round and round you'll go.

Up and down and never slow.

Carlos, the final member of the quartet, bolted across the tourney field, the campus mutt, Dude, right behind him. He leaped up the stairs and fell in sync with the others.


Feel the excitement grow.


Oh, this is where you let go!

Hands high like a roller coaster.

This love is taking over.

Take us higher.

Here we go!

Oh, oh, oh...

Welcome to the show!

Mal fell against the locker next to Ben who seemed a bit startled to see her but grinned nonetheless as she held up the apple and took a big bite of it.

Carlos swung Evie down the hall and Jay vaulted off of some lockers, whooping and flipping over the railing before popping back up to join them.

Meanwhile, their significant others: Jane, Doug, and Lonnie slowly approach the dancing villains from the stairs, staying back of course, possibly pondering their next moves.


Gravity we're defying,

'Cause we were made for flying.

Mal spread her arms and spun, pretending like she was flying.

We're about to lose control.

Evie whipped around and dropped into a graceful split before jumping back up and straightening out her shirt with a sheepish smile.


Welcome to the show!


Oh, oh, we're on a mission.



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