"They're so annoying" Ginny said taking the washed plate from you to dry

"Yeah but just.... Give it a minute" you said smiling down at the dishes. Moments later Fred and George yelled from upstairs

"SAMANTHA" you could hear their footsteps heading to the stairs

"What did you do" Ginny asked with a wild look on her face

"We'll they felt the need to throw me in the pond and I didn't want them to miss out on all the fun so I left my wet clothes on the bed" I laughed and so did Ginny "I didn't want them to feel left out or anything"

The twins came running down the stairs and into the kitchen. You put the plates down and glanced at the door that led to the garden

"What's up guys" you said trying to sound casual

"What's up?!" Fred boomed

"Maybe you should tell us" George shouted. You smiled and took a few small steps towards the door but didn't say anything.

"Maybe this will jog your memory" Fred threw your wet shirt over the table at you which you caught and turned over in your hands

"Oh that" you said taking another step closer to the door "I just thought you guys shouldn't be left out of the fun of getting thrown in the pond" you explained and smile creeping across your face.

"That's it" Fred lunged over the table and George ran around it but you were already out the door and running away from the burrow, you could hear Ginny cheering you on you from the kitchen window. You ran so fast your lungs burned but the twins long legs were no match for yours and they quickly caught up to you. George grabbed you by the waist and threw you to the ground, he pinned you down and Fred started to tickle you

"No - please..... STOP" you gasped between laughs kicking your legs trying to get the boys off of you as tears started steaming down your face from laughing so hard. Fred finally stopped and George let go of your wrists.

"I'd say we're even" Fred said looking pleased as he got to his feet. George offered you his hand to help you off of the ground which you gladly took, but once you were standing he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before heading towards home. You squirmed around a bit and he lightly hit your butt signaling you to stop

"Oi" you shouted at him and Fred burst out laughing.


After you finally finished helping Ginny with the clean up you went upstairs for a shower and got into some pajamas before plopping down on Fred bed.

"I can't believe summers almost over" you said finally breaking the silence

"Yeah don't remind me" Fred said covering his face with his pillow

"Come on" George said standing up "you can't waste the last days of summer moping around" he shuffled through some records that I had given them over the years and finally settled on one. He placed it on the record player and set the needle before my favorite song started streaming out

Uptown girl She's been living in her uptown world

I smiled up at George and again he offered me his hand to help me off of the bed. I raised an eyebrow and looked at his extended hand

"Oh just take it" he laughed. George pulled you to your feet and started spinning you around

I bet she's never had a backstreet guy

I bet her momma never told her why

Fred sat up on his bed and started

humming along while he watched you and George dance around the room. Samantha laughed and danced around George and reached out for Fred to join them who reluctantly joined in.

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now