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~My 14th birthday! Blakelynn's POV~

Sweetheart! Wake up!" My dad shook my body to life. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. It was 7:30am. When I looked at the date, I remembered what day is was. My birthday!

"Good morning birthday girl!" I heard my mother say from my door. I looked up and saw her standing in my doorway with Cameron, Ella and Greyson, my 3 year old brother in her arms as well.

"Hi mum, dad. Dorks as well." I replied with my sleepy tone. My sister huffed and rolled her eyes. I got up and went into the kitchen.

"Those are for you, from all of us." My father told me. I looked at the presents on the table. I sat down, enjoying our normal "birthday routine".

I said thank you and slowly began to open them. The first one from Cameron, being a pair of new combat boots. The second from Ella, being a cute blouse. Greyson got me a new sweater from Burberry.

"Grey picked it out himself," my mom said,"He went through like 50 shades of that one sweater!"

"Mum, not a funny pun." I chuckled.

"There's one more, from us." My father trotted back up the stairs to retrieve my last present from his room.

"Close your eyes Blakey!" I heard my mom scream. That stupid nickname again. . .

I obeyed her, and began to get quite excited. As the feet stopped moving, I heard a chuckle and knew what it was immediately.

"Uncle Lou! Aunt Ky-WHOA." I said. Observing my very pregnant aunt. I hadn't seen them in over two years, and now they were suddenly expecting?!

"Hi sweety." My uncle said with a smile. I accepted his hug and looked over at my aunt.

"Welllllll?!" She said,"How do I look?!" She was glowing, to be honest.

"You're glowing!" I said hugging her tight,"Sorry guys, but this is the best present EVER." I announced. My parents and siblings laughed as I engulfed another pregnant hug from my aunt and uncle.

"We'll guys, I guess it's time we should tell you." Kylie stated.

"What's up sis?" My mum hinted to her.

"It's triplets!"

Oh boy.

~A/N: Hope you guys like it. . .even though nobody reads it lol. But for real. I hope you like it. I'll be starting another fanfiction about Louis and Kylie, but it's gonna be totally different. One of those Adoption Story things. Yanno. But yeah(: Please read my next one!!!!! -Deena ~

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