Chapter 49 || His fading light

Start from the beginning

"Tae?" I called out with a broken voice as he turned his attention slowly towards me. My eyes erupt with anger and pain with my flooding tears. My feet were stuck to the ground and I could not afford to raise my feet. Everything around me numbed. He looked at me like I was a stranger. When my teary gaze held his, his expression turned into something of knowing. When he tried to get near me, Laila held his hand crying,"Tae, I only have you. Please don't leave me. It's only you Tae," she cried holding his hands. 

His eyes flickered between mine and her. I felt my heart stop the moment his eyes stayed on Laila, softening looking at her pleas. 

"I am sorry Aria, she has no one. I need to take care of her," he said, hugging Laila, breaking my heart. 

"No!" I yelled, waking up from my tragic dream. Never in a million I could witness such things. A thousand daggers passed to my heart as I remembered the sight. Closing my ears I tried to stop the voices I heard inside my head nevertheless they never ceased. Looking at his empty bed side my heart thumped in fear. He wasn't home yet. I need Tae now. I need to see him now. Grabbing my phone from the night stand I dialed his number with my frightened state. 

"Tae why aren'---- I was cut off by Jimin saying,"Hey Aria, its Jimin here."

"Hey Jimin. How are you Jimin?"

"I'm doing great."

"Where is Tae?"

"He is with Laila's kidnappers. Trying to find answers about Laila's kidnap and why they tried to kill her last night. Jin and Namjoon are outta town for some business so he is staying up late Aria," he said apologetically.

"That's okay, just let him know."

"Sure. Good night Aria, rest well. Meet you soon."

"You too Jimin. Take care." With that I hung up the call.

It's been a whole day since I saw Tae. He gave me a call to inform me that he was busy with Laila's kidnappers. He told me to eat dinner without him and rest as he will be late. One of Laila's kidnappers escaped the warehouse last night and broke into Jin's house to attack Laila. Tae hurried away to look into the issue. After that when it was 10 at night, all I got was a call from him saying he wouldn't be able to make it the night. 

After this nightmare I fear that I can't rest. The voices were ringing inside my head in a loop. I need to see him now. A whole day without seeing Tae. God, I missed him. He would have missed me too. 

Pulling a thick fur coat over my pajamas I took my phone from the nightstand, heading downstairs. Taking my car keys I fastened my steps towards the foyer. I heard my guards querying me leaving in the middle of the night. I dismissed them in a hurry but that didn't stop them from following my car. Well, I can't help it, it's my beloved other half's order, whose orders aren't something that you would take lightly. 

I didn't mind them because they were for my safety. Through my mirror I could see a chain of cars following me. At this point it was getting on my nerves. There were practically 6 to 8 cars. Wouldn't they cause traffic? 

"They are fired if they push past my car," my brain sulked.

They were 50 meters behind me. I drove to Tae's warehouse and wore a mask. My car door was opened by Alsay. I nodded my head and handed my car keys to him. He gave me my black coat and gloves. I wore them all before I made my way inside. Everyone bowed their heads at me as I walked into the dark mansion with the brutal men surrounding me. Still and all they lowered their eyes at me, as they bowed their heads with respect. My coat has their unique words curved on its back. It read, Lucifer's Queen with some sort of symbol. 

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