History in the Making *Part 2*

Start from the beginning

"If that were true, things in the future have really changed, is that right Akira?" Archie said.

Akira nodded with a serious expression, but it quickly went away and she suddenly started patting Douxie's head causing him to blush.

"Uh, w-what are you doing?"

Akira did nothing and continued her actions.

He sighed, "Just don't go blabbing to Merlin, okay? We need to stay incognito."

Then Akira stopped petting Douxie's head, much to his disappointment.

"Fine. This should be fun to watch." Archie said with slight amusement.

"Hisirdoux! What is taking so long?" They heard Merlin shout.

"Just cleaning up another mess!" Douxie shouted, tidying up the area, then he and Akira walked out.

"Swore I'd never do this again." He said while putting his hair in a man bun.

*Time Skip*

Douxie and Akira entered Merlin's Magic Room and quietly walked around to find the Time Map.

They watched as Merlin and Morgana began arguing to each other about making the amulet.

Akira sighed, 'I should have made an invisibility incantation.'

Douxie tapped her shoulder and pointed over to the book shelves.

She looked over and saw the Time Map. She smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

She was about to teleport but she couldn't, 'What the hell?!'

Akira groaned and gestured Douxie to stay quiet and they both slowly walked towards the Time Map.

Akira was on her tip toes and was about to get the Time Map, but one of Merlin's spells exploded, and one of the metal pieces would have hit her if it wasn't for Douxie, moving her out of the way.

"Blast it all!" Merlin shouted, "Hisirdoux! Akira! Stop gawking about and give me a hand with those raw ores over there!"

Akira nodded and began picking them up.

"Apologies, Master." Douxie said while eyeing the Time Map.

"How many more failures before you realize this amulet of yours is pointless?" Morgana slammed her hands on the table.

"I hear your concerns, but trust me, the amulet will bring peace."

'Not in our time.' Akira thought.

Then Douxie and Akira nervously set the ore on the table.

"At the cost of all we hold dear!" Morgana's magic caused the ore and other objects in the room to float.

Akira flinched and backed a few steps away, pulling Douxie with her.

"You're a fool Merlin." Was the last thing Akira heard Morgana say before the Sorceress walked out of the room. Then the floating objects suddenly fell.

"Oh, forget her. We've got this, right?" Douxie said while waving hand towards Merlin.

Akira was about to slap his head, but a wave of guilt hit her so she did nothing.

"What is this strangeness? Put your hand down."Merlin rose a brow.

"It's a high-five. It's a sign of victory amongst barbarian tribes!" Douxie grabbed Merlin's hand and high-fived it.

"Human customs are terribly odd." Archie commented.

"Indeed," Merlin agreed, "You don't seem like yourselves today."

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