Chapter 11

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Over The Hills And Far Away

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh

While Benedict wanted to sketch somewhere around the palace, Charlotte went to play the pianoforte. She was feeling better since she started drinking warm water, it eased the pain, but it didn't take it away completely. However, she was thankful she didn't have to wear any more corsets for the months to come. Her dresses were still tight against her, but it was still tolerable and a bit comfortable. The Duchess of Strathearn was playing one of her favorites, The Piano Sonata No. 14, by Ludwig van Beethoven. Not so far from the Duchess, Martin and her Ladies of the Bedchamber were keeping her company. Martin stood by the door to just watch them, Fatima was knitting with wool, and Lilia and Cora both read a book they borrowed from the library, all while the Duchess played the sonata.

"Is it awful of me to say that I feel useless?" Charlotte asked out loud as she kept playing.

"Why would you feel that way, Ma'am?" Martin asked her, and she sighed.

"As much as I am enjoying it here in Scotland with my husband and all of you..." She took a deep breath. "I also miss London. I miss the Queen, Luna, George, the Bridgertons...and surprisingly...even the King."

"The King?" Cora frowned.

"To tell you the truth, Cora... Yes, I sort of...miss him," she said sincerely, and sighed. "Perhaps living near him brought me sense of reassurance that he was alive... Alive if not well, you know?"

"We know, and we understand, Ma'am," Martin replied, and her three ladies nodded in agreement. "But I can only assure you His Majesty The King is healthy and taken care of."

"By a woman who asks if the King is dead every time the physician walks by," she stated with a small smile, and lightly chuckled at the memory of her mother. But then, a scoff escaped her lips. "Or by a man who is an expert at putting duty above his family and himself and that is too busy to care?"

"You mean..." Cora trailed off, hoping for her to continue.

"My brother George, of course," she nodded. "But anyhow, I feel useless. And the more I think about it, the more useless and depressed I feel, and the more macaroons I wish to devour."

"And why do you say you feel useless? Are you bored with His Royal Highness, Ma'am?" Lilia asked, making Charlotte stop playing the sonata to look at her, and Cora hit her sister's arm while glaring at her.

"You must really think before you speak, Sister," Cora stated.

"It's alright, Cora. But no, Lilia. I'm not bored with him. I just feel..." She sighed. "I think 'useless' is the right term."

"You are just homesick, Ma'am. It is a distress one feels by being away from home," Fatima explained.

"But you have been outside the country before, Ma'am," Lilia added, and aside from the glare on Cora's face towards her sister, Charlotte knew all her youngest lady wanted was to understand the situation. "After all, you were six months in Prussia before the social season happened, and you left to Wales with George before your—"

"You know, Lilia, I think Her Royal Highness knows very well where she has traveled the last five years," Cora stated.

"Do not exaggerate you two," Fatima said. "She has only traveled to Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Prussia, Hanover, Spain, and the Netherlands,"

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now