I - Twelve

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Victoria's Point of View

It was 6 in the morning when I was startled by marimba playing from my phone. It was an unknown number so I declined it. After declining the call, the unknown number calls again and this time, even though I'm irritated, I answered the call politely.


"Victoria." A British accent answered me, "Be at the office by 9 am."

I realized it's Harry. "Harry?" I asked again just to be sure.

"Yeah." His voice is kinda thick and sounds like he just gotten out of bed. "Or better yet just go here in in Tiptons's. I need your assistance."

"What?! I thought you said yesterday that I should be at your office at 8am then now 9am then now you're asking me to go to your hotel?"

"Can you just shut up and move your ass? I need your assistance because of a fucking hung over!" Harry shouted. His voice still sounda sexy though.

"Okay fine!" I said. "Wait, where are you?"

"I just said I'm at Tipton's. Are you deaf or really that stupid?" Harry exclaimed.

"I'm asking you just to be sure and there's no need to insult me like that!" I shouted and I ended the call. How dare him? He can't just insult me like that because I'm his damn assistant. I got off my bed and took a warm shower.

Since Harry broke my mood, I didn't wear any make-up, just plain white shirt, jeans and boots. After fixing myself, I looked at the clock and it's 6.30 in the morning. I went down the kitchen and found Mom and Madison talking.

"Victoria! Good morning." Mom greeted, "Why are you up so early?"

"I was called by the company and I don't know why." I lied. I just can't tell them that I'm Harry's personal assistant now.

"Maybe they're giving you another project!" Madison said. She clapped her hand, "That's exciting!"

"Anyways Vicky. Your warrant of arrest was withdrawn and said that Harry changed his mind about it. I guess he's a good man after all." Mom said and Madison nodded her head.

If they only knew what they are saying.

"Mom, Mads, I really need to go. I don't wanna be late." I said as I grabbed my bag and car keys.

"You should have some breakfast first, dear." Mom said.

"I'm fine mom. I'll just drop off at Starbucks to grab some coffee."

"Okay Victoria. Take care, okay?"

"Bye!" I hurriedly rushed outside the house and pressed the unlock button of my car remote. I opened the door and push myself inside. This is not a good day. I hate this.

I drove to Tipton's and at exactly 7.30 am, I'm already at the hotel. I parked the car and turned off the engine. I grabbed my bag and set foot on the hotel. I walked inside the hotel. I was about to text Harry when he called me again.

"Where the hell are you now?" Harry asked.

"I'm already in the lobby, Harry. Wait up." I said.

"I'm in room 912 and can you please hurry up?"

But I didn't respond because I'm waiting for the elevator to go down.

"Can you just fucking-" Then I ended the call.

I stepped inside the elevator and pressed 9 on the elevator buttons. After a few minutes, I'm already in front of Harry's room and was about to knock when Harry opened his door.

"What took you so long?!" Harry asked. My eyes widen because he's just wearing a towel wrapped below his torso. Looks like he just finished showering.

I tried to look away, "I'm sorry, I just uh.." Harry notice that I was distracted when he pulled me inside his room.

"Did you know that it's rude to look away when someone's talking to you?" Harry said as he pinned me on the wall. "Look me in the eye Victoria."

I slowly looked at him and found him smirking. "Happy now?" I said. I pushed him carefully. "Get away from me."

Harry stumbled for a little and he begins to laugh. "If you had seen your look. It's priceless!" Harry continues to laugh while I still frown at him.

"Do you think it's funny?" I said. "You're a complete jerk. Can you just fix yourself and just sleep again? You're still drunk."

Harry stumbled his way towards the dressing room when he suddenly fell down. I ran towards him to assist him when I felt that he's warm.

"Are you sure that you're just experiencing hung over?" I asked.

"Yeah." Harry said as I help him walk to his bed.

"You're not. You're sick. Just stay there. I'll get your clothes." I said. I went inside his dressing room and grabbed some shirt and jogging pants.

"Here." I gave him the clothes that I've got when Harry's eyebrows narrowed. "Why?"

"Where is my underwear?" Harry asked. I groaned and returned to the dressing room and grabbed his black boxers using the very tip of my fingers.

"Here!" I said. "You should change. I'll wait outside."

"No. You stay here." Harry said.

"What? No! You're naked and-" Until Harry took off his towel and Harry is now naked infront of me. I turned my back on him and closed my eyes. "You should have least notified me!"

"Take it easy. I'm already dressed." Harry said but I refused to look at him, "Come on Victoria. It's fine." I slowly turned to him and saw that he's already dressed.

"See?" Harry said. He plopped on his bed.

"Go have some rest. I know you're not feeling okay and.." I walked inside the bathroom to get some cold water and towel and when I came back, Harry's already snoring.

I placed the basin and towel beside his bed. I smiled as he snores for a little. I decided to fix his blanket when Harry who's already sleeping touched my hand and said, "Don't leave."

"I won't. I'm here til you wake up." I whispered as I carefully shove his hand off my hand. I decided to lay down at the sofa and since it's only 8 in the morning, I decided to take a nap.

I was distracted by a sudden message from my phone. It was an unknown number. It said,

Hey Victoria! It's Hunter. I need to record this song and I want you to sing it with me. Please? :)

I was about to reply to his text when Harry woke up, "Victoria, good morning." He smiled as if nothing happened a while ago.

"Good morning?" I said. Harry signalled me to sit beside him and I did so. I sat beside him and Harry laid down.

"Thankyou." Harry murmurred and he fell asleep again. I smiled and touched his forehead, "You're welcome." I answered.

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