"I'm back." Negan smiled as his eyes wandered his wives bodies before his eyes landed on me. "Hey, Puppet. So you've met your stepmothers already. That saved me from an awkward conversation."

A few of the wives made a noise as the others tried to hide their shock. I looked up at Sherry who seemed to be hiding her emotions the best. Negan placed his bat by the door and opened it fully.

"Head on out. I've gotta have a father daughter talk."

The women listened and left. Negan closed the door and started pacing. He looked at me expectantly, almost as if he wanted me to talk to him first. I stared at him. I did my best not to waver. He sighed deeply.

"I remember you being a lot more talkative. Tough now you seem more confident. Less likely to listen to me. Plus you got that look in your eye. The same look Rick had before I got it through to him that he wasn't king prick anymore." Negan knelt down in front of me. "The way I see it, Puppet, is that you have two choices. One, you work with me. Tell me your friends' dirty little secrets and I will make it so you live like a queen. Or two, I get your friends' secrets and you'd wish you were dead by the end of all of it. Up to you, Puppet. I personally like option one."

I would never give up my family. If they were going to fight, despite everything I told them, then I was going to do everything to give them the edge. Torture. That's what Negan was implying. I could withstand a little pain and suffering for my family. For Daryl. I looked him in the eye and watched as his face turned disappointed.

"Option two it is, then Puppet. Don't say I didn't warn you." Negan opened the door and shouted out to Dwight. "Dwighty boy, take her to a cell. I need you to get information out of her."

Dwight appeared in the door frame and grabbed my arm. He pulled me from the ground. He started to drag me through the door before Negan stopped him and whispered something in his ear. Dwight nodded before dragging me to a cell. Dwight replaced the handcuffs for rope and left me in the cell.

The next morning he returned a sandwich in his hand. He wordlessly handed it to me. I took it as the door to my cell closed and clicked. I sniffed the sandwich. I gagged as a horrible odor filled my nose. What was I supposed to expect? Food was food. I had no clue if he was going to give me food again. I should eat. I took a bite of the sandwich and immediately wanted to throw up. I choked it down. I fished the sandwich as I tried not to think about what could be in it.

A few hours of silence passed before my cell door opened again. This time Dwight was accompanied by another person. Dwight directed the person to stay outside as he entered the cell. I guess this is where the torture began. Dwight closed the door and looked at me. Before he cut the rope binding my hands.

"I'm gonna need your clothes."

I stayed seated. Why the hell would he need my clothes? Did he get off on that sort of thing? Dwight's hand wrapped around my forearm and pulled me to my feet.

"If you're a prisoner you don't get the luxury of clothes. Give them to me now." His voice was more demanding than the first time. "Don't make me repeat myself."

Silence fell as I listened to him. I didn't have a choice. If I didn't do as he said, he would go to Negan. Then Negan would use my family as leverage. Most likely hurt someone, possibly kill someone. I pulled down my pants and pulled off my shirt. I pushed them into Dwight's chest.

"The rest of it too."

Dwight's eyes wandered my body. I wanted to kill him right then and there, but that would cause more problems. I did as he said and removed my undergarments. He took them from me. Pulling a rope from his pocket and gesturing to my hands. I lifted my wrists and allowed him to bind them once more. He smirked as he looked me dead in the eyes. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. He opened the door to the cell and locked it behind him. Leaving me naked and alone.

The Hunter's PreyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora