Goodbye, my love

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Darth Vader was born into the firey shores of mustafar. But, he wasn't burned and destroyed both physically and mentally, he was powerful, imbued with dark side strength and above all, beautiful. The face that once held hope for the galaxy was its destruction, cruel eyes tinged with red were the last thing many planets saw as they fell before him. Palpatine was dead, betrayed by Vader so the only power in the galaxy that was unchallenged was his.

Padme Amidala had survived and rose through the ashes of the Republic to the newly formed Empire and watched as the masked figure thirsting for vengeance for the death of democracy. Although respected and admired, she was no match for the shadowy emperor said to have eyes so sharp and piercing that it could cut through you. She was not afraid, the man only enciting curiosity rather than rage.

Luke and Leia were raised in the rebellion, and at 14 years old, we're ready to challenge the empire. But Padme could not reveal to them their birth father as she believed he was long dead. Vader slowly feels the emergence of new force wielders and seeks them out.

--the Rebel base--

Darth Vader's ship entered the atmosphere above Yavin 4 and set it down in a glade. From the Base, Padme could sense something was off and asked for a perimeter sweep, but was told of the massacre on the border.

The former Jedi cut everyone in his path down, red lightsaber flickering and crackling as it sliced through soldier after soldier. That was a weapon to be feared but the handler even more so. With sharp deft stokes, Vader cleared the area, leaving a clear line to his destination. The pathway was thick with the metallic stench of blood and the roads ran red as bodies piled the corners. The twins, feeling something was strange grabbed their lightsabers and ran to defend their mother.

The former queen of Naboo hadn't anticipated such an attack but stood firm at the door. A tall, dark figure dressed in all black armor ignited his blade, the red glow illuminating his blood splattered face, pulled into a savage grimace. Then, a flicker of confusion and surprise registered as it recognised the face it was looking at. The face he had kissed. The face he caressed. The face he had dreamed about so long ago. The face Anakin Skywalker had fallen in love with.

"Padme?" A voice she had once known was riddled with pain and anger, shaking as he stared at her.

No, no, no, no, no he was dead. You stabbed him. You felt his blood gushing over your fingers as you twisted the blade deep into his heart, Padme thought. But there he stood as beautiful and bloodthirsty as the day she left him. He stepped forward, hand outstretched as if he wanted to touch her, to see if she was real. She stepped back, heart pounding in pure fear of what he would do to her.

"Mom?" A small voice called out from the corner, causing Vader to look up. A young girl, a carbon copy of the woman who stood in from of him, stared at him, eyes wide in fear. Then it clicked.

"Mom? Is it true?" The former Jedi Knight asked in a quiet voice.

"ARE THEY MINE?!" He yelled, causing the girl to hide, but the woman looked up in...pity.

"Yes, my love they were. They were Anakin Skywalker's children. But he's dead, isn't he?," She swallowed.

"You parade around with his face, but without his eyes. His blue, human eyes."

Vader snapped. He reached to strike her down, but he was too late. The bullet penetrated his armor, leaving a smoking hole in his chest. A single tear espaced from the corner of his eye. Padme held back tears and made sure Leia was gone, he brother with her. She knelt down beside him, and kissed him. A quick bolt of pain courses through her stomach and she saw the red flame pierce he abdomen. Smiling, she turned to her husband and said as they both clung onto each other's dying bodies:

"Goodbye my love. I'll see you soon."

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