Jealously, Jealously

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The ball was in full swing, Senators and Jedi mingled, drinks in their hand as they talked about the war. Senator Padme Amidala stood in the centre of the room talking to her old friend Senator Rush Clovis of the banking clan.

"Padme, you are looking beautiful tonight." The Senator smiled at her and looked her up and down once more. She wore a stunning emerald green gown with gold accents designed in sun patterns across the skirt. The bodice was constructed of many jewels and formed a corset that dipped into a very generous neckline.

Thanking Clovis, Padme chuckled then remembered a fleeting memory where another man had said the same. Brushing it off, she kindly accepted a dance, mind in the present not the past.

'Anakin is on some distant planet probably fighting now. This can be my secret." She thought and she twirled to the elegant music.

Jedi Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee stood near the drinks table chatting. Dressed in a deep maroon trouser suit, Ahsoka elected for a simplistic look, Barriss doing the same in a deep navy dress and head cover, dotted with white so it resembled little stars.

Blushing a little, she complimented Ahsoka's outfit and nervously looked down in her drink. Ahsoka smirked then very slowly pulled her into a long kiss, pulled away and looked into her eyes laughing.

"You're the best person I have ever met and you look gorgeous too." Ahsoka said with a laugh which sent Barriss into an even darker shade of green.

Outside the ballroom, Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi were pulling up in a speeder. Practically jumping off the older Jedi went and vomited in a bush.

"For Force sake Anakin! Drive slower!" He managed to get out before having to vomit again.

"Sorry Master!" Skywalker winced then combed back his hair with his fingers and straightened his suit. This was one of the few times where both Jedi didn't were their robes, but donned matching black and white contrast suits. Anakin in the all black, Obi Wan in the white.

Flicking his sandy brown hair over his shoulder Anakin rushed up the stairs, followed by a still slightly green Obi Wan.

As they entered the the room, the only thing Anakin could see were the hands of another man on his wife's hips, slowly inching  down as they danced. Then he saw red.

Padme felt her partner's hand move further down her skirt and became more and more uncomfortable. Suddenly she felt a pair of eyes on her and as she turned round, she was met with some very familiar blue ones, glistening with rage. She thought for a second they were tinged yellow but in shock she couldn't think straight.

Anakin stood there and watched. He felt the anger inside him churn and roil like a monster in him, like an ocean in the middle of a storm. He turned on his heel and left before he erupted, barely containing his rage.

Padme rushed after him, leaving Clovis alone, drawing the attention of many of the other people.

"Anakin! Ani please wait!" The Jedi stopped abruptly and turned around. Fury blazed in his eyes, turning the blue of his irises glacial...

"Really? While I'm fighting a war on the front lines, trying to secure a future of us, you allow a 'friend' feel you up?!" His voice trembled with pain and hurt and all Padme could do was let out a whimper.

For the first time she was scared of her husband. Before she could say another word, Ahsoka rushed out and stopped. Looking from Anakin's face to the senator's, she sensed a change in the force.

Namely Anakin's presence. What used to be and electric confidence and playfulness, was replaced with anger. Not red hot but ice cold. The darkness seemed to just be creeping into his eyes before she came, and she dreaded what would have happened if she hadn't.

Without another word, Anakin turned and left, leaving Padme on the brink of tears and a horrible guilt, one that was slowly eating away at her and their marriage.

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