Chapter 3

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Cain's POV:
I woke up and groaned as I felt like my head was put through a blender. "Next time, I'm staying in control." I said as I got up and saw a note on the counter. "Anna? You here." I called out as I walked over to the counter and picked up the note. 

I read it and my eyes widened in shock. 'Cain, I'm sorry but I don't know if I can stay here with you. Even though your power cancels out mine, I can't risk having anyone hurt you to get to me. So, I'm leaving. Thanks for helping me, but I need to figure things out on my own.' The note said.

"She left." I said as it felt like part of me just broke. I don't understand why I feel this way. Sure, Anna's nice, beautiful, and the only one who understands me. But I don't understand why she would just leave like this. 'Perhaps she just needs time to process what has happened the last two days.' Zarthos said, "Maybe. *Sighs* This bites." I said.

|With Rogue|

Rogue's POV:
I was walking to the bus stop and I felt bad for just leaving, but it's better this way. Cain has too much on his plate right now. I can't add on to it. I sat at the bus stop and waited for the bus. Then someone walked over to me. "Hello Rogue." She said, "How do you know my name?" I asked, "I'm a friend of Rachel's." she said. "You know Rachel?" I asked, "Yes. She told me that you were attacked by a group known as the X-Men." She said.

"I don't know if they did attack me. A friend says that someone pretended to be them by shapeshifting." I said, "This friend of yours must be smart." She said. "Yeah, but I can't put any of my troubles on him. He has enough problems as it is." I said. 

"Why don't you come with me? I can help keep you safe." She said, "Really?" I asked. I felt something prick my neck and my head started to fog over. "What... what's happening to..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence because I collapsed and blacked out.

|Back with Cain|

Cain's POV:
I was at my shop working on a customer's car when I saw flashes of Anna being taken by someone and I heard a sinister laugh as well. I grabbed my head and narrowed my eyes. "Anna." I said as I got up and was about to leave when I saw both Charles Xavier and that Wolverine guy standing in my shop's waiting room. Well, Charles was in a wheelchair, but you get the idea.

"Hello, Cain. Seems you are in a hurry." Charles said, "I don't have time for this." I said, "We know that Rogue's been taken." He said. I stopped and my eyes glowed orange, "How?" I asked, "It appears that she is no longer hidden from my telepathic powers." Charles said. 

"Some people said they saw her get taken into a black van and that a woman matching the description of Mystique was there. As well as someone else. We don't know who it was that helped Mystique." Wolverine said.

"Perhaps, I can be of some assistance." A voice said. I immediately recognized it and turned to see the one who did this to me. I raised my hand and pointed at him, "You." I said with hatred. "Where'd you come from, bub?" Wolverine asked, "Now, now, let's not get too hasty. I came because I want my Rider to find someone for me." He said.

"Yeah, no deal. I remember last time you had me go after someone. You tricked me." I said as Zarthos wanted out so he can kill Satan. "Yes, that. Well, things are different now. God and I made an agreement. This being that took that girl, he is one of my failed experiments. I want you to hunt him down and send him back to his prison. In exchange, you'll get the rest of your soul. As well as keep the powers of the Rider." Satan said.

I pulled out my chain and felt both Zarthos and Venom want a piece of this bastard. "Now hold on. What is it that you are here for?" Charles asked, "Trust me, no good can come from making deals with him. He promised my sister would live. SHE DIED THREE HOURS LATER!" I shouted in anger. "And I am sorry about that. But her soul was already granted passage to Heaven. I could only give you three hours with her." Satan said.

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