Chapter 2

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|The Next Morning|

Rogue's POV:
I woke up and found myself in Cain's bed, I smiled and got up to get changed into my normal clothes. While I was getting changed, I remembered last night and how Cain and I almost kissed. I blushed and sighed. He lost his only family member left, and here I am trying to kiss him. "What is wrong with me?" I asked myself.

Once I finished getting changed, I walked downstairs to find Cain making breakfast. I smiled and walked to the counter, "Smells good." I said, "Yeah, before mi abuela passed away she taught me how to cook. Mi hermana, my sister, she loved my cooking." Cain said. "You barely had time to grieve. Take your time." I said, "I will, once the Cartel is no more." Cain said as he handed me a plate with eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns.

"Thanks." I said, "No problema chicka. Hey, look about last night." He said, "No, I'm sorry. You're still in grief. And I tried to comfort you." I said. "Look, I appreciate what you said. I really do. I just never had feelings for someone before." Cain said, "That makes two of us. Although the last boy I kissed, well he ended up in the hospital." I said.

He touched my hand and I looked at him, "Don't blame yourself for that. You didn't know you had powers." Cain said. I smiled and his blue eyes made me feel calm and at ease. "You know, your eyes are really nice." I said. He smiled and I blushed at what I said, "You are actually the second person to tell me that." Cain said, "I'm guessing the first one was your sister?" I asked.

"Yeah. We had this agreement. If something was troubling her, she'd think of me. I pretty much raised her after our parents died. Even in the foster homes, I was like a father to her." Cain said, "And like a parent, you would do anything to protect your kid." I said. "Glad you understand. The other two within me, not so much." Cain said.

"Wait, two within you? I thought you were a mutant and a Ghost Rider." I said, "*Sighs* There is one more guy. He... isn't from our world at all." Cain said, "So, you have an alien inside you?" I asked, "He's more of a Symbiote really, but yeah. He calls himself, Venom." Cain said. "I heard that he and Spiderman were enemies." I said, "They had a misunderstanding. Spiderman thinks Venom is pure evil, he isn't." Cain said.

Cain's POV:
When I said that Venom decided to make himself known to Anna. He scared her since he came out of my back and was gooey. "GAH!" Anna shouted, "Seriously, you need to warn me before you come out." I said, "Says you. I want chocolate." Venom said. "That is way too freaky." Anna said, "Trust me, you don't know the half of it." I said as I gave him chocolate. Anna got up and just stared in shock of what she was seeing.

"Delicious." Venom said before returning inside my body. "That think lives inside you?" Anna asked, "Yeah, and whatever you do, don't call him a parasite. He hates it." I said. Venom then smacked my head with my own hand and I groaned. "You alright?" Anna asked, "Yeah, he just doesn't like being called what I said." I said.

"Clearly. So, what are we going to do?" Anna asked, "Well, I have to get ready to open my Auto Shop in town. I have to open in two hours." I said, "You have an Auto Shop?" Anna asked, "Yeah, I needed money to pay for all this stuff. Can't take the Cartel's money." I said as I grabbed my jacket and my keys and flipped them in my hand.

"It has an office upstairs; you can come with me if you want. Lay low in the office." I said, "Thanks, but won't people think it's weird that someone is in your office besides you?" Anna asked, "Not if they think it's my new assistant." I said with a smirk. "But I don't know anything about cars or motorcycles." Anna said, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." I said.

Once we finished eating breakfast, we went to the garage and I unlocked my car. "What kind of car is this?" Anna asked, "Lamborghini, built her myself." I said, "Thing looks like it's from the future." Anna said as I opened the passenger side door for her. "Amazing what you can find at junkyards these days." I said as I got in on the driver side and pressed the start button to turn on the engine.

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