Chapter 1

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|Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters|

Cain's POV:
I had the same dream again. The day I lost my sister, the day I made the deal. The day I sold my soul to El Diablo. The sound of guns firing, my sister screaming, and then... nothing. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a room on a bed with what seemed to be an IV bag next to the bed I was in. 

I groaned and took out the needle from my arm and the puncture mark closed up instantly. 'Bout time you woke up.' Rider said, "Not now, I have a headache after making that link." I said, 'Don't forget being electrocuted.' Venom reminded me.

I sighed, and before I could get off the bed, I felt someone trying to get inside my head. "*Smirks* Nice try, but you won't be able to get inside my head." I said as a bald man in a wheelchair came into the room. 

"So it appears. It is quite odd." He said, "Don't get used to it. You wouldn't like what's in my head anyway." I said as I got up and was about to leave. "If you want to leave, you are free to do so. But I would like to talk with you before you do." He said.

"If this is about last night, forget it. Until I learn what's going on, I'm remaining neutral." I said, "None the less, I insist we talk." He said. "*Sighs* Fine, what's your name?" I asked, "My name is Charles Xavier. And I am the headmaster of this institution." He said. 

"Let me guess, for people with unusual abilities to learn to control them." I said. He smiled, "Yes, you are correct. Here those like us can learn to harness their unique abilities and control them. Instead of the other way around." Charles said.

"Mutants, you know I had a run in with a group of Mutants before. They reeked of sins and innocent blood stains their souls." I said, "Then, you have already met the Brotherhood of Mutants." Charles said, "Met, fought, and won. But I wasn't able to finish the job." I said, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"The Rider, he comes out and hunts down either escaped demons or those who have spilled innocent blood. Once he finds them, he either makes them repent, or makes certain they never hurt another innocent soul again. Permanently." I said.

"You mean, you have killed people. That is not the answer." Charles said, "It's not my call. I don't have a choice. Besides, we all do the wrong thing for the right reasons." I said. "You seem to carry a great sense of guilt and regret. Why is that?" he asked. 

"My sister. She was just starting high school when we were attacked by the Mexican Drug Cartel while I was driving her home. She died because of the Cartel." I said as my eyes glowed orange for a moment.

"I am sorry to hear that. But would your sister understand?" Charles asked, my eyes widened when he said that "Don't ever talk about her. She was all I had left, and they took her from me. It's because of me that she's dead. It's my sin. If I could take it back, I would." I said.

"Interesting, now I understand." He said, "Understand what?" I asked. "You believe that because you were giving the police information about the Cartel, that the blame is solely on you for what happened. You're not the one to blame." Charles said.

Before I said something, flashes of the girl I was talking with last night. She was running from some people. I could feel their sins. I narrowed my eyes and turned towards the door. "Where are you going?" Charles asked. 

"To reek some vengeance upon the guilty." I said as my skin started glowing and steaming. I ran out the door and headed towards the exit. But these people seemed determined to stop me from leaving.

"Where do you think you're going, bub?" the guy asked as he extended six metallic claws from his knuckles, three on both hands. "Trust me, you don't want to get in my way." I said as I felt the Rider wanting out. 

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