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"Huh?" Cloud asked, in both confusion and curiosity.

"Why not be Y/N's body guard?" Tifa said, encouragingly.

"Why would I do that?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest with a stoic look.

"Why not? You're always looking for work and like I said, you need to get out more." She said, poking his arm as he sighed and looked at Y/N as she shifted slightly.

"I would really appreciate it if you did, of course I'll pay you for your time and efforts and you're the only person I can trust since Tifa seems to confide in you but if you don't want to that's completely fine and I understand." Y/N said, smiling reassuringly as he stared at her.

       As he continued to stare at her, he contemplated on this decision. On the plus side, he gets paid and weirdly enough he gets to see a bit more of the girl and see what she's really like. Sure, he doesn't like having a spotlight on him but he'll do what he has to for the job.

"I'll pay you 500 Gil per hour, if that price is okay with you?" Y/N stated, sounding a bit nervous.

       As Y/N stated her negotiating price, Reno was taking his shot of tequila. Once he processed this information, he choked on the burning liquid and had a coughing fit. As he hit is chest with a closed fit, Barret patted his back roughly as Reno caught is breath and wheezed slightly.

"You're telling me that you're willing to pay 500 Gil for him to follow you around and look pretty? And still willing to pay more?!" Reno questioned.

"Well not exactly just following me and 'looking pretty', being a body guard takes a toll on you emotionally and physically." Y/N responded.

"How so? I thought bodyguards just protect you at shows from being trampled." Jessie asked.

"Yes that is their job but I've had a few instances with crazed fans and stalkers, if I didn't have a bodyguard who knows what could've happened to me back then. I was lucky to think ahead of myself." She said, looking down to her hands and fidgeting with her fingers.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you had Daniel there for you." Tifa exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too..." Y/N responded, a bit quite than before.

"A-anyways! Cloud, what do you say? Are you up for the job?" Tifa questioned, averting everyone's attention from the topic slightly.

       Once Cloud heard his name being called, he lifted his head slightly. Being lost in thought about the very thing that was being talked about.

"Look, if you don't take the job. I will. Not only will I get paid handsomely but I get to spend some time with this pretty lady over here." Reno said, as he winked at Y/N and she blushed profusely at the sudden action she wasn't prepared.

       Cloud grunted quietly at what Reno said and finally made up his mind on the decision of if he should take the bodyguard position or not.

"Alright, I'll take the job." Cloud finally said.

"O-okay, I can raise the pay if you'd like." Y/N said.

"No need, that's enough." He said bluntly as she smiled sincerely, making him stare at her again just like he did at their first ever interaction. His gaze full of wonder and curiosity.

"Great! Let's celebrate to Cloud's new career!" Jessie exclaimed.

"It's not like this is a permanent thing." Cloud said bluntly, crossing his arms across his chest once again.

"You never know, you might grow to like the job." Tifa said, calling a honeyboy over and ordering more drinks as the others conversed.

"I doubt it." He said as Y/N tapped his shoulder and he faced her slightly.

"Thank you for accepting this offer, I wouldn't know what I would do if you didn't." Y/N admitted, looking relieved.

"How so? You barely know me, we just met today." Cloud stated.

"Tifa knows and trusts you, and she has told me a lot about you and I trust her. Plus, from our little interactions so far, I can make my own judgment calls." She said, smiling and catching the ex-soldier off guard.

       He looked off to the side flustered, his ears tinging bright pink as he cleared his throat to respond.

"Yeah..." He said, not knowing what else to say as they all continued with their night of festivities.

       As the night progressed, so did the festivities. With Jessie and Reno drunk to the point where they couldn't even hold up a conversation, the group all stood outside of the Honeybee Inn.

"Geez Jessie, I didn't know you could drink that much." Tifa said, holding up Jessie with one arm around her shoulder and her hand holding her side, trying to steady her.

"I didn't knoooowww...either...." Jessie said, slurring her words heavily while trying not to fall to the ground as the others chuckled at the sight.

"Let's get them back before they throw up on the carpet, and trust me that stuff never comes out." Barret said, carrying a drunk Reno over his shoulder.

"Right, Cloud. You got this?" Tifa questioned, looking at the ex-soldier next to the shorter artist.

"I can handle this." Cloud responded.

"Alright, and remember. Treat her with proper care." Tifa said."

"Got it." He said bluntly.

"And Y/N, if he does something you don't like. Let me know, I'll break his neck for you." She said, earning a chuckle from the female and an eye roll from Cloud.

"Thanks, I'll see you later." Y/N said, waving as they walked off into the night.

"Goodnight." Tifa responded as they disappeared down the road.

       Y/N and Cloud faced each other when the others were out of sight, he shifted slightly in his stance as he uncrossed his arms.

"So, is there like a car or a way home you take?" Cloud questioned.

"Well, the Honeybee said they would arrange a driver to pick me up but I don't see anyone and they should've been here by now." Y/N said, looking around to see groups of people chatting but no indications of said driver.

"Well, I think I have another solution." He said, as she looked at him questionably and he gestured to follow him, not knowing what ride was in store for her.

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