28. It Can Happen To Anyone

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"I need to go cause Kieran has dinner ready now, but I'm being serious. You name a day and we'll help with the unpacking. A promise is a promise Mel."

"Oh I love you Caity-Loo."
"I know you do. Speak soon. Stay safe!" She called before hanging up. I didn't know if she meant in the Spencer Safe or FBI Safe kind of way.

"What's up?" Spencer asked, pulling his fingers through my hair as I hung up and covered my face with my hands. "

"Melly what's happened?" He asked in a concerned tone, pulling my hands from my face.

I squealed and threw my arms around him, laughing like an idiot.

"Oh-kay," He droned. "Because these opposite actions aren't freaking me out at all." I laughed and pulled back, sitting up on his lap properly to see his face as I explained to him what Caitlyn just had to me.

"Caitlyn said that she's going to bring Ben and Daisy over to see me next week," I explained and Spencer's face lit up with excitement.

He didn't really know a lot about them because it hurt too much to talk of them. But, he knew how important they are to me. Just like everybody I knew did I suppose.

"And she said that they'll help us unpack because she wants them to get to know you too if we're going to be living together."

Spencer's mouth parted in surprise and I laughed, covering my mouth with my hand.

"And uh..." He was a little breathless and licked his lips nervously. "And you're okay with that?" He asked and I frowned.

"What?!" I blurted. "Of course I'm okay with that Spence, are you insane? It's the best thing she could ever suggest, like ever." Spencer chuckled and wrapped me in his arms happily.

"Well then that's a lovely suggestion."


"What d'you want to do tonight?" Spencer asked as we chilled on the sofa together after dinner.

"Cause if you don't have anything in mind... I was uh..." I twisted to see his expression, so innocent and nervous it melted my heart.

"I was uh, kind of thinking we could maybe, if you want to, go to your apartment and uh... maybe start putting your things into boxes... O-o-only if you want to." He stuttered and I grinned, sitting up properly.

"Really?" I asked in surprise and he gave a small, nervous smile.

"Only if you want to." He repeated and I grinned.
"Of course!" I thrilled, throwing my arms around his neck. "C'mon, let's go now." I demanded, leaping off the sofa and dragging him with me.

He chuckled at my excitement and I grinned from ear to ear; I was excited. Spencer really wanted this to happen, and it really was happening. I couldn't wait to get started.

The Doctor

Luckily enough Mel still had all of the boxes from the move she'd made from her dad's house, and thankfully not everything was unpacked.

"I knew you didn't like it here." I said matter-of-factly as she slid all of the already-packed boxes out of her closet in order to get to the flat-folded ones at the back.

"Shuup." She moaned in a quiet voice, throwing the empty boxes out of the closet. I laughed and started building up the boxes, the entire living room filled before long.

"It's a good thing I never got rid of any of these." She huffed, putting her hands on her hips and staring at the box-covered floor, probably wondering how she was going to move.

Honesty - Criminal Minds || Spencer Reid FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat