"What's wrong with you? You look like your pet rock just died." I point out.

"I do not keep a pet...rock." Elijah frowns.

I fake surprise, "No shit."

"Shut up Aria, we all know you're hilarious." Rebekah deadpans.

"You know you love me." I smirk, giving her an obnoxious kissy face.

"I'm worried about our mother Rebekah. Have you not noticed her stage behavior?" Elijah asks Rebekah, getting back to what he came in here for.

"She's been dead for a thousand years? What's strange for her?" Rebekah sighs, giving her a brother a weird look.

Elijah holds something out to Rebekah, "Burned sage, she was doing a privacy spell."

"You know she fancies such things." Rebekah shrugs, "Why don't you ask Finn, he's been with her every second."

"I don't trust Finn, he hates what we are, always has." Elijah says.

"That's not true." Rebekah argues, "And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?"

"We don't go looking for trouble Bekah, it seems to find us." I sigh.


"So, why are you bringing me with you to talk to Elena again?" I ask, as Elijah and I drive towards my old house. I'm really confused as to why he is bringing me. He probably has some master plan that he is not telling me about.

"Your sister is very cautious of you these days...I thought that would help me get the answers I need." Elijah explains.

"So I'm like hired muscle? She's a lot more scared of you than she is of me Elijah. You're pretty scary when you want to be." I point out.

"Right now Aria, she believes that you will hurt her if she pushes you past your limit. She believes I will not touch her since Klaus needs her. You're a scare tactic. Plus, you're not bad company Aria." Elijah smiles.

"You just made me sound pretty badass. Thanks buddy." I grin, giving him a shoulder nudge.

He rolls his eyes, "I do not wish to contribute to your already big ego Aria."

"I don't have a big ego." I lie.

"Yes you do." Elijah smirks, "That is why Klaus and you are so close. You're both very egotistical."

"Wow. That hurts." I grab my heart, acting all dramatic.

"I'm sure it does." Elijah laughs, pulling up to my old house.

We get out of the car, heading up towards the front door. Elijah raises his hand, lightly knocking on the door. Elena opens up the door, a startled look coming over her face when she sees it is Elijah and I.

"Elena." Elijah gives her a fake smile.

"Elijah. Aria." Elena greets, giving us the same fake smile.

"We don't mean to intrude but I was hoping you might accompany us. I want to show you something. Aria hasn't seen it either so it'll be a surprise for both of you." Elijah says, making me wonder where he is taking us.

"Alright." Elena nods, grabbing her jacket, and shutting the door behind her.

Wonder what Elijah has in mind.


Elijah finally stops the car, having gotten us to where he wants. We are in the middle of the freaking woods. Thank God I trust Elijah or else I would think he took us out here to murder us. If I were Elena, I'd be scared right now. But then again, I think she has respect for Elijah as well.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now