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Cc: Fashion. Leave it to us. :/ pt. 2


Katie and I shared glances.

What was going on?

Matt and my brother... Oh yeah, they kinda knew each other, too.

Alex came from a corner and tried to calm them down, but his eyes widened when he saw the folder and the pictures, and widened even more when he noticed me from his periphery.

I panicked and quickly put a finger to my lips, and he swallowed and nodded before averting his gaze.

Kelly and I quickly escaped.

"What was that all about?"

"I'll tell you what I know if all goes well and I can safely tell you, but about what happened back there? I don't know why they were arguing like that," I admitted.

I don't get it. How did Matt find out?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I intended to be happy today and free. Why did that have to happen?

It's like... my sister... ruins everything... for me.

I felt anger.

What is fire made of?

How unfair that she isn't here but is taking such a big toll on us like she was some bigshot. All I see right now is us having a hugely problematic child in our hands.

I want to cry, but I can't because I don't cry when shopping. No way.

What if he thinks that I intended to betray him?

No, Nik isn't like that. I'm his little sister.

I tugged on Kelly's arm. "Let's go get Froi's dress and get you to that gala."

The dress we decided on was almost cloudy-- the stratus kind. It was a peach gossamer dress that flowed and had wispy, silky puffs at the bottom hem. It had golden details sown into the puffs of the top and the length of the skirt. It had that royal princessy vibe, and it's perfect because Froi's our group's sweetheart princess. It suits her well.

The gala Kelly had was a bit later tonight so we kept the dresses in the car and I drove us to the Mackey's place.

It didn't take long before Kelly was being gushed over by her mother and aunts so I decided to just chill at the front desk area where I get free lemon water and hors d'oeuvres.

I couldn't help but notice that Terry was there again.

"Terry," I whisper-shouted. "What are you doing here?"

She turned around and quietly walked up to me and leaned in from the side. "We're going to the gala," she said in a soft voice, "Are you going?"

I laughed a little at how hopeful she looked. "No, I'm not. Kelly is though." Her eyes dimmed, but brightened again when I mentioned Kelly, but then it somehow dimmed once more.

"What's wrong?"

She pouted. "Kelly's always with her friends these days, and Mother just tells me to leave her alone so she wouldn't have to worry about me while she does what she has to."

I patted her on the shoulder. "Kelly won't push you away if you want to be with her, but it's true that Kelly wouldn't be able to concentrate because she cares about you a lot. So if you think she's in the middle of something important, just stay with your mom or someone else you trust, okay?"

Terry nodded glumly. "See, this is why I was hoping you'd be there. You're always alone so I don't have to worry about disturbing you."

This girl... If she weren't so cute I would've smacked her lightly. Me? Always alone? Does she think it's a pity considering that I'm normally more of an extrovert?

No shame to introverts, of course. I respect that others would like silence, peace, or some space for themselves, and I'm glad for them.

But if she's thinking I'm a pity for being alone if not for Kelly, then, hun, I'm alone because I don't know anyone, and I get scared of introducing myself to people who were never introduced to me properly. I'll have you know, I'm not usually like that.

I assured her instead that she'll be fine, and reminded her to stay with people she trusted and not to be scared of approaching Kelly if it's important. Kelly came by soon enough and I brought her to the gala, and I went straight back home.

Nik was all alone at home, with a few envelopes scattered on the table like he was investigating something, but that wasn't what scared me.

What scared me was the silver envelope in the trash bin.

It was that I didn't throw it there.

My footsteps must've alerted him of my presence because one minute he was stooped over his files and the next he was staring at me with a blank expression.

"Did you ever think that I knew what I was doing?" he asked me in a quiet voice.

Quiet-voiced Nik, wasn't angry. No, quiet-voiced Nik was guarded-- heartbroken. But what choice did I have when everything seemed to say that he was being suspicious. What was it that he had to keep secret?

It's like he's suddenly saying that I suspected him because I didn't believe in him, but he was the one who wouldn't tell me anything and just started acting out of character. Anyone would find that strange.

Did he ever think that I knew what I was doing?

Did he just assume that I better not know anything? And that if he takes care of things the way he thinks he should, that he's going to make everything better?

I knew my father wouldn't randomly tell me not to trust Nik or something. I mean, Nik's the golden child. There must be something that Nik was doing wrong.

"Did you ever think that I knew what I was doing?" I asked. "No matter how I see the situation, you're the one who's wrong. Try to convince me otherwise," I challenged. I didn't dare move from my spot though, because for the first time, I wondered if my brother would make a violent reaction and hurt me.

Funnily enough, I wanted to laugh because my thought right now is the exact opposite from my thought earlier.

What if he thinks that I intended to betray him?

No, Nik isn't like that. I'm his little sister.


I should stop fooling myself into thinking I know everything. The issue with my sister, my dad's sudden active status in family matters, my brother's seemingly impulsive, out-of-character moves, the appearance of Nat and Allain...

What else is going on that I don't know about?

What I'm getting from all of this is there's something bigger they aren't telling me. What? To protect me?

I scoffed in my head, but I really wanted to cry too.

For the first time, I couldn't confidently assume what was going to happen next.

For the first time, I felt fear in a new way, and even anger.

I really don't like this at all.

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