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Cc: Back home


I got home after the whole thing and decided to play games on my phone instead.

There was this game that's trending wherein the player plays a necklace collector of around the age of a young adult. It's general goal is to fill in the necklaces the player collects with weapons, special things, and important information to reach the player's true beginnings.

It's called Necklaces, and I love it.

The player was customizable and everything and everything was just so easy to control.

Sometimes I wish my life were easy to control too.

Just when I finished my daily missions, my phone flasged and Matt's name appeared on my screen.

My forehead scrunched as I frowned in contemplation. Matt rarely calls me, so I wonder what's up?

"Hey," I said, as I received the call.

Matt answered. "Hey, umm, so I have this party for my cousin's birthday and I was wondering if you could be my plus one."

"I'll think about it. "

He laughed. "Alright. It's kind of a serious casual event. You know what I mean, right?"

"Yeah," I giggled a bit, "I do."

"That's an answer I'd want from Kelly," he joked.

I burst out laughing. This guy has guts admitting that, but it's even more amazing that he's already thinking of proposing when they aren't and may not be together. Just imagine how distraught he'd be if he were to get rejected.

He ended the call after we made a few more jokes, and I was reminded of how alone I was in this house.

Nic barely comes by and a part of me doesn't want him to. He's been suspicious recently so I'm on my father's side for now, but shouldn't I be more suspicious of my father for suddenly acting like I exist after years of treating me like something to maintain and not a child of his to raise?


My dad isn't someone who would make statements like that for no reason.

However, my trust in Nic is surprisingly feeble and that's what's disconcerting me at the moment. It's like I only trust him if he tells me about it, and that's not real trust at all.

The plane, the flippant attitude, the trip to LA... those are luxuries we shouldn't squander money on for the Nic I know.

I frowned.

I opened my laptop and searched for my brother's name.

Sorry, bro. I gotta do a bit of background check.

The media last spoke of him exiting a cafe in Los Angeles this morning without a disguise. As his sister who has known him for years though, I found it strange that he was wearing all-black hoodie, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and a beanie. He usually wore a shirt and jeans or shorts during summer and spring, and he hated beanies even during the winter.

It's so out of place.

I checked his recent photos and he was in a similar get-up in all of them.

"Something's weird," I muttered.

I exited everything and plopped on my bed.

Let me just do a recap of this recent period of summer so far.

1. I have a cheer thing in collaboration with Calvary.
2. I have a little sister who's possibly in danger.
3. My brother is suspicious.
4. I have a modeling thing soon... I think?
5. Matt's cousin... Chase, right? Chase's birthday party.

I got up and grabbed my laptop to list these down in my planner and set my laptop on the bedside table. I also made sure to set my alarm for my morning run.

I have another meet up tomorrow with the cheer team and I think I'd like to focus on our performance today and polishing our cheer for the serious basketball tournament soon.

Right, Froida's party.

I added that to my list, too.

The boys' schedule was announced just this morning. Apparently, it was a best-of-three thing. For three consecutive weekends the boys had to compete with the rival team. The first would be on our court, the second on theirs, and the third will be based on coin toss to be done after the second tournament.

It'd be quite sad to lose on our court, but I won't say this to anyone because it might discourage or put pressure on the boys. I'm gonna say this right now, but usually when I think about it more deeply, I have this feeling that our court shouldn't be graced by the wins of others against us. Like, we have to keep our integrity as athletes. But of coyrse, that's not really necessary. As long as there was a best effort and beautiful sportsmanship and teamwork, I shrug it off, and just focus on things to improve.

Sleep took over me soon enough and when I woke up, it wasn't seven yet, but Claire was calling me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

This was done on purpose, of course, because Claire isn't exactly a morning person during summers and winters.

Claire groaned. "Shut up! Let me talk, okay?" She went on without waiting for me to respond. "This is annoying, but can you and Katie take care of our clothes for Froi's birthday? Maddie and I have to take care of the food and supplies because apparently the business we planned to order from just went bankrupt and are already unavailable to entertain new customers."

I quickly agreed. "Of course, does Kelly know? When do we need them?"

Claire made a clicking sound with her tongue. "By next Tuesday, hopefully, since her birthday's on Wednesday and everything should be settling down by then. Also, Maddie will have called her by tonight, supposedly."

"Where's the venue though?"

"Froi's basement."

"Ah! Yay!"

Froi's family has the best basement. It doesn't even seem like a basement. It's very bright and spacious and has all the fun stuff. It even has an indoor pool and a huge recording studio.

Claire scoffed at my excitement. "Bye."

And she hung up just like that.

I don't know if it's obvious, but it should at least be quite hinted that I feel least certain with Claire. Froida feels like a timid little sister, but Claire seems like a friend I have nothing in common with, and sometimes I wonder if she really sees me as a friend or is just dealing with me because I'm tolerable or because I happen to be there. She has, of course, been a great friend to me.

Oh well, my run comes first for now.

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