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8 Years Later...

"Valyra Baron!"

The tall, modelesque brunette twirled to see who was calling her.


What a scream, she thought fondly, as she received the catapulting girl into a fierce embrace. Fencer Philippa Prince is now twenty years old, but in Valyra's eyes, she was still that same twelve-year-old girl she's used to. She's taller now, with a fiercer edge to her previously boisterous vibe.

"Hi, Pippa," Valyra greeted happily. Pippa's eyes widened in surprise at how different Valyra now sounded--still strong but now more elegant. 

They were both currently in the mall, with Pippa coming from the food court and sighting Valyra exiting the Mackey's shop. A rich people's shop, Pippa grinned in passing thought. Valyra really did come back strong, she could tell, not because she came from such a premium place, but because she appeared to own herself even more--not in the slightly arrogant and intimidating way she used to, but in a way that showed she was comfortable and confident. She couldn't be prouder of Valyra.

She wished Max were here, but he was busy chatting with his friend. She rolled her eyes. That girl is unpredictable--she didn't know if she could trust her or not, but if Max trusts her, she decided she'd give the girl the benefit of the doubt.

"What are you guys up to these days?" Valyra asked.

Pippa sighed. "Mom and Dad are busy being managers, with Max becoming a celebrity who's still somehow all the rage after six years, Alex being an internationally renowned football player, and Lottie being a sought after pianist superstar in America, Europe, and Asia. Obviously, I'm the one getting them together when they feel like they're losing it."

The older girl stroked the younger one on the hair comfortingly. She felt really proud of this girl who's become one of her little sisters. "I bet they're very proud of you for being such a great person." 

Pippa cringed and flinched. "Eww. You're not the type to say those things." 

Valyra just laughed and hooked her elbow around Pippa's. "If you're not busy, help me out. I'm looking for stuff to buy for everyone."

"Did you know that you're still popular as a model?" Pippa wondered. 

Valyra laughed and shrugged. "I didn't really stop modelling. I traveled every once in a while when I'm requested. Surprisingly, though, the shoots were mostly in Europe or Los Angeles. I didn't stop by here even once."

The younger girl pouted. "You should've stopped by."

"Sweetie, I'll have you know that I didn't want to. I promised I'd come back better remember? I haven't really been better."

In the eyes of Pippa, it was strange to hear someone so confident say something like that. She always felt like Vali was always perfect, and it didn't really hit her that she had problems too.

Alex had always told her not to hold Valyra in too high a regard. Valyra wasn't perfect, and she needed the same considerations as everyone else. She also deserved sympathy, empathy, kindness, and rest. He often worried, too, that she was getting unnecessary pressure merely from the image she exudes.

Now she understands.

The two girls caught up as they went shopping and had an amazing time. Valyra soon left to meet up with Alex. He was at home, relaxing before he leaves on the weekend for training.

"Valyra Baron?" It was Mrs. Prince. She looked like she aged, but she aged well. She still looks so kind and the sparkle in her eyes were brighter than ever. "Come on in! We haven't seen you in years!"

She was led into the dining room where there just happened to be fried chicken. "Can I have one?" she asked, just as she used to. She was hesitant before especially since it meant taking a part of their meal, but when they found out it was her favorite food, they insisted that she take some every time. She had made it a point to take just one.

"Val! Hey!" a familiar voice exclaimed. The fake surprise in his tone, though. Valyra'd already texted him earlier that she'd be stopping by soon.

"Hey, Alex!" She returned the greeting, with the same amount of fake pep.

Mrs. Prince looked at them with an unamused glare. "You two go hang out in Alex's room," she dismissed. "Go ahead, sweetie. Stay to eat with us, too."

And Valyra thought, who was I to say no?

"Woah!" she exclaimed, as they went up the stairs. The walls that used to be empty were now lined with picture frames and medals and shelves of trophies of all of them, and she noticed that Pippa had the most.

Alex had school and football, Max had school, football, acting, and music, Fencer had piano and school, and Pippa had school, chess, fashion, and art.

This family is so talented and amazing at what they do, Valyra mused fondly.

"What's up with you?" She asked. They didn't really converse much over the years, except on special occasions like Christmas, birthdays, and New Year.

"Going pro isn't as easy as I thought," he confessed, plopping down on his desk chair. "I thought it would be somewhat a solution, like, something that's an end thing for me. The ultimate goal. But, it just keeps going and going. I always have something to work for, improve for."

"That's a good thing though," Valyra pointed out. "It's not like you truly expected that that's it. You already know very well what it's like to be a football player."

He smiled at her. "That's true."

They sat in silence for a while before they decided on a game to play together. Rings. The ultimate, newest game of the Jewelry franchise. While its predecessors were mostly either individual or multiplayer through mobile and PC, this one was made available on all devices.

Once again, these two were playing together, just like the old days when they were fresh and dreamy and greatly motivated to do seemingly far-fetched things. The biggest difference was that they now are living their lives, not free of obstacles but ready to take them on.

Like Valyra had always wanted, she was flying, and although she may have to pause every once in a while to rest, enjoy, reflect, or keep herself healthy, she was just going higher in the long run.

Someday, she was gonna fly high enough to watch over those close to her heart, and she's gonna make sure that in order to that well, she was gonna have to take the spot with the best view.

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