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Cc: What's in the letter?


To Valyra.

For Your Eyes Only.

Open in private.

I slit open the seal and looked carefully at the parchment, feeling the texture and smelling the scent. It was exactly the same as the letters I received on my birthday this year.

The two must have actually intentionally went to where I was to leave me this letter.

The letter was quite long and I smiled as I saw my mother's handwriting. Dad's letters are usually typewritten, sent by one of his secretaries or something, but Mom's letters are always handwritten and I think that's what makes her letters so meaningful to me. In a way, it shows that she does spend time for me and she does spend time to talk to me.

My heart grew a little warmer.

My dear Valyra,

I could cry a little at this, but I didn't, of course.

I know this might be a little of a surprise, but I felt like you, as a legal adult, should start knowing about the affairs of my homeland and stop being sheltered as we have kept you. Your father and I have ensured that you and Nik are living normal lives as you should. This is just the beginning of everything, but for now, what I'll let you know is that you shouldn't be so aloof to your youngest sister because you'll be working close with her if you do decide to be involved. Opposing what you may have thought of, I do, in fact, keep tabs on her, however, this is not to be told to just anyone as it may endanger her life.

I know that you have no reason to have much of an opinion about her, but rest assured, she is a good kid, and I hope you would all get along.

How is Nik, by the way? It seems I couldn't reach him. I hope he is doing fine just as you are.

If you are interested, would you come home?

On a different note, I heard you're a cheerleader, and  now you're on your way to Harvard for a degree in the field of chemistry? I'm so proud of you!

I don't how much you know about me, but I was a dancer in school until I was about your age. It's fun, but I know the hard work that's put into all of it. It looks effortless but there's so much at risk and so much spent for it, so I'm proud of you, and I hope that you continue to do what you love and enjoy.

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to send me a letter. I'm sorry if it was a surprise that Nat and Allain came by but don't worry, they're not committing any crime or anything. Nat's surprisingly obedient considering how much she resisted before. However, do be careful on how you send it through because I have no idea what's safe and what's not.

Thank you, Valyra, for being a good child and for just doing your best and being you. I'm glad that you've found a place of your own and more than one passion you can pursue.

I know I don't contact you much, but I'm always here for you.

God bless you, sweetie, and always take care of yourself, Nik, and your father, okay?


Wow, gee, thanks, Mom.

Venera Artemis Markham.


I giggled at the thought and turned the parchment over just as I always do. It said something at the back: Be careful.

Oh, I'm shivering in fear.

Oh, Mom.

The letter was tied up with the other letters I've received, and I buried myself under my covers to get some sleep.

The night turned quiet and warm, but breezy enough. I left my window open, knowing our neighborhood was safe enough to do so, and watched the moon until I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I was woken up by a loud bang and ringing that hit my head and resounded through my skull. I had fallen asleep on my bedroom floor and my phone fell from the bedside table after vibrating and ringing for so long.

I groaned from the pain and the thought of a new day, but untangled myself from my blanket to get up and prepare for the day.


Oh, shucks.

"Hey! Nik, wazzup?" I giggled awkwardly, quickly fixing my bed and smoothening my hair.

He looked at me disapprovingly and turned away. "Fix your bed, Valyra. And look more dignified. I know I'm more tolerant than most, but at least learn to keep your integrity at all times possible."

Why is Nik back again? I quickly washed up and threw on a cropped hoodie shirt and a pair of spandex shorts and got my bag after putting everything I need in it. My feet pounded on the stairs as I ran down to Nik. He was at the kitchen putting together some sandwiches. "Hey!" I greeted, breathless from the rush. "Why are you back?"

He looked at me with a slight frown. "Hey, I can be here anytime I want. I live here, too."

"You know what I mean," I said. "Aren't you supposed to be at college?"

He shook his head. "I'm not starting til another month." He handed me the biggest sandwich and patted me on the shoulder. "Your snack. Didn't know you were cheering this summer." A pointed glance was tossed at me while I prepared a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you, but like, we were asked to for the town with Calvary people."

He tilted his head a little but continued to put some spread on his sandwich. "Calvary? The other school?" He slapped a loaf of white bread on top of his stack to make a triple decker. "There's a friendly interstate tournament or something?"

"No, just our town and the nearby ones." 

"Don't tell me..."

"Yeah, them. It's fine though. I mean, obviously they're really good, but I think the boys can do it."

Nik smiled a bit. "It's not about whether the boys can do it or not. It's whether or not they resort to extreme measures." He took a bite of his sandwich and shooed me off after I chugged the remaining milk from the bowl. "I'll clean up. You go ahead."

"Oki," I grinned gratefully. "Bye, Nik!"


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