30|| Triple Trouble

Start from the beginning

I glanced at Jackson in time to see him shake the officers' hands before they walked away, leaving him and Mia. I'm sure she wanted to see Ryder and know if he was okay just as much as I did. "Yeah, I think so."

"Good," I could hear that he was a bit tired too. "Are you home now?"

"I... I'm at the hospital. Lexi and Ryder are hurt, but I'm fine," I didn't have it in me to lie to him again tonight. "What about you? Are you not at Ashton's party? It sounds quiet where you are."

"No, I went home like an hour after you left," he informed me. "My mom was called to the hospital for something a bit ago and Maia's at a friend's house, so I'm watching Ty. But what were you saying about the hospital?"

At least he was having a chill night. Besides, he was looking for a way to get out of his best friend's party, I'm sure of it. As much as he was an extrovert, he loved being home.

"I'm at the hospital waiting for news about Lexi and Ryder."

"I'd go there if I could," he offered sadly. "I promise I'll be there with you in person tomorrow."

"It's fine," I assured him. "I'm okay just talking to you for now."

"You feeling okay, babe?"

A single tear rolled down my cheek, but I swiped it away quickly before any more fell. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Jackson motioned for me to go over to him and get off the phone, so I nodded and said goodbye to Luke, telling him I'd call again once I got home.

"I told the police about the knife you threw, and they said they'll get forensics to check it out and run some stuff. You said the person got away. They'll find out who it is. Security cameras around the area should help too."

Finally, some good news.

"Go home. Mia will drive you and stay with you. I'll be here until the doctors come out with news, and I'll call right away," Jackson suggested. "You're probably so tired."

I was hesitant. "I wanna be here when they say it."

"Alex, it might take hours. You need to rest or you'll get sick."

I frowned, but I knew it was true. "Fine. But call right when you find out."


Mia took me home and, after I gave Luke a call and took a quick shower, sat with me in bed while I tried to fall asleep.

But it was no use. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Lexi, and I was scared something bad was happening to her.

At least Mom and Dad weren't home. Mom was in New York, and Dad wasn't going to be home until probably six in the morning because he had a night shoot for the movie he was working on.

Paige was sick in her room, so she wasn't going to get out of bed to look for us anytime soon.

I didn't have to come up with a string of lies to cover up everything that happened just yet.

Mia fell asleep beside me before I did, and I didn't blame her. Honestly, it was probably two in the morning by then, and I was wide awake. She deserved the sleep.

Jackson called at around three and told me Ryder was going to be okay. He had a gunshot wound, but nothing fatal, and he was going to be able to come home in a couple days. It was a huge relief. There was no news about Lexi then.

At five, he called again and broke the news.

Lexi was in a coma.

I felt like I couldn't breathe when I heard those words.

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