Chapter 10

375 11 4

Your POV

After I said that Saiki seemed to be in a lot of distress, what was wrong, did he not like the coffee jelly? No it was something else

"Saiki are you-" you were interrupted

"I'm sorry, I have to go, thank you for the coffee jelly" he said, quickly running away,
I wanted to go after him but I didn't think I'd be worth it.

I wonder what I said wrong.

After Saiki's parents came back we ate and they left, leaving me all alone in the house. I locked the front door and went upstairs, I kept reading the manga and Chouldnt find what troubled Saiki

It confused me

Oh well, I changed into sleepwear and went to sleep

In the morning I woke up and ate breakfast. As I went to school I saw Saiki walking ahead of me, so I ran to him to say hi

"Saiki, Hi! Are we still on for after school sweets?" I asked him, he looked at me and nodded, so I assumed he meant yes

I smiled at him and he quickly turned away from me without even blinking
I felt a bit hurt by it but I shook my head and kept going

As we arrived in school we had a new transfer student, I heard rumors that it was a heir to a Saiko group, which apparently is insanely wealthy, but why was someone like him in this school, this isn't really the school you'd go to if you were filthy rich

As the bell rang I sat down and the teacher walked in with a gray haired butler, wait WHY IS THERE A BUTLER!?

The butler rolled down the red carper and soon afterwards came in a gray haired boy.

"Class settle down, before we begin let me introduce our new transfer student, Metori Saiko. Please sit down at that empty seat" she said

"No no, I'll take that weird h/c kids seat" Saiko said

"What? Don't act all high and mighty because you're rich!?" I said, walking up to him and telling him off

"Who is acting? I am High and mighty" he said, I have never had the urge to punch someone in the face than now

He wanted to bribe me with money but I refused and sat down at my seat while keeping eye contact, just to piss him off.

"Hmph, fine, I'll take the weird lipped urgents place instead" he said, Takahashi ran up to him to defend his place too but he quickly changed his mind when he was bribed.

"Hey, why did you come to our school anyway" Aren asked Saiko, he just looked at him, confident

"It's a fair question, ordinary, I would never step for in a filthy school like this. But I have a good reason, and that reason is you, Kokomi" he said while looking at Teruhashi, he held Teruhashi's hands and smiled at her

" I saw you in town and I knew I had to track you down, I like you, be my girl" he said while looking at her. Teruhashi started to freak out.

At lunch everyone was talking about Saiko and what he did at the start of the class,

-wait, IS THAT MERA WHY IS SHE IN A MAID OUTFIT NEAR SAIKO, oh nevermind she's getting dragged out, I guess she chouldnt slip in

I noticed that Saiko approached Saiki, Kaido and Aren. And then the whole Teruhashi fan club ran to Saiko, I didn't hear what was happening but by the looks of it, Aren got mad at Saiko and the Teruhashi fanclub members

When Aren tried to attack Saiko a bodyguard attacked him, I didn't notice what was happening since the whole cafeteria went to see what was happening, I noticed that Saiko ran off somewhere so I went to follow him.

He went into the Girls bathroom, I chouldnt believe it! I eves dropped on him and heard Teruhashi, but suddenly a bunch of construction workers came in, what was happening in there?

I overheard Saiko offering Teruhashi a life without work. But Teruhashi refused

"I like someone already, I like Saiki!" and at the same moment Saiki quickly opened the door, I saw that Teruhashi started freaking out and Saiki froze. Wait, did Saiki like Teruhashi!?

"EH, Saiki and Y/n!?" Teruhashi said completely flustered

Teruhashi went up to Saiki and tried to deny it, so she really DID like Saiki, how chouldnt I have seen it, probably because she hasn't been in the latest chapters.

But then Saiki just fell asleep, now how does that happen.
I dragged Saiki out of the bathroom so they'd continue talking.

I overheard that Saiko wasn't pleased with his rejection and stormed out of the bathroom, when Saiko was out of the way, I tried to wake up Saiki because no human can just fall asleep that quickly.

When he opened his eyes, he simply walked away, what in the world just happened.

After school I changed my shoes and waited for Saiki. I noticed that he was at the entrance of the school already, wait, he's walking away!

I quickly ran up to him and reminded him if our hang out. He looked away again, what's with this guy?

As we started walking to a cafe I tried to make Saiki talk more but suddenly I was interrupted by Teruhashi walking twords us

"Oh, hi Teruhashi!" I said to her

"Oh hi y/n and Saiki! Where are you both going? Mind if I tag along?" She said, I wouldn't mind but what did Saiki think about this

"Saiki, do you think-" He shook his head, well that was a bit rude

"Ignore him, sure you can come along!" I told her, now that I know Teruhashi likes Saiki, maybe I can get Saiki to like Teruhashi, or does he already like her?

But then Saiki seemed distressed and quickly grabbed my hand and started running away, I got so mad, what was happening, why did he just make me run away with him
Why was he doing this, does he not like Teruhashi? She's gorgeous, who wouldn't have a crush on her

But then Saiki said something I would never expect from someone like him

"I need your help, I don't like Teruhashi" he said
This was all so confusing


Ironic, isn't it? (Saiki X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin