Chapter 1

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(Hi just to clear things up!

Italics- anyone's houghts
Bold- important sentence

F/n- father's name
F/s- favorite sweet
M/n- mother's name
H/c- hair color
E/c- eye color
O/c- outfit of choice
H/s- hair style
Y/p- your prayer
A/n- authors note
(I'll be adding more If needed in the story!)

Your POV

*You're currently on a bus to your father's house in Hidari Wakibara. You have all your clothes and stuff in a luggage and a backpack. As soon as you got off, you almost as if ran around the neighborhood trying to find your old home*

Y/n: "damnit, where is it? It's supposed to be around here" as you approach a house you checked at the address and quickly find yourself running in the wrong direction

"AAAAAAH IM COMPLETELY LOST" you scream in your mind, feeling hopeless, you find yourself mindlessly walking around and bumping into a stranger.

You dropped your phone onto the ground and quickly went to grab it

Y/n: "I'm so sorry about that-" your eyes finally look up and you see a pink haired boy, he looked to be around your age

Y/n: "oh no, he's kinda cute, I should probably take this opportunity and ask for directions, people here are friendly, right?" you thought to yourself and got up from the ground

Y/n: "Hi, sorry, but I'm kinda lost can you please show me which way I need to get here?" You showed the pink haired boy the address,
He pointed in a direction and you quickly got ready and started running again

Y/n: "Thank you again!" You said quickly looking back the boy and turning back to reach the address

As you checked the address on your phone and looked back at a house, you noticed it was the right one, you quickly went to the door and rang the doorbell

A few seconds later you hear slow footsteps come closer, and the door opens, and it's your father

You quickly go to hug him and go inside the house.
The house looked like it hasn't been taken care of in a while. After you put your stuff in your old room where you and your parents lived in when you were little, but it's been years since then, and all there is a bed and some boxes with furniture.

But to no worry, you didn't need anyone to do all this, you were independent and strong, after an hour or more, you have finally moved in.

F/n: "hey y/n, come down,
here's some of your favorite sweets, I bought them especially for this occasion" he said, putting the sweets onto the table, there were a bunch of cakes and coffee jellies and your f/s.

Y/n: "you really shouldn't have!" But you can't deny, you wanted it

You and your father talked for hours about life in America and life in Japan. Your father really has missed both you and your mother.

But your mother couldn't come, because she chouldnt leave work for your father.

As time passed, you helped your father get the necessary medicine he needed and he went to sleep.

You decided, since you'll be going to school next Monday and it was a Friday, you'll go to sleep early just to get used to the time zones

~The next morning~

You woke up around noon and got dressed in your O/c and went downstairs, seeing your father already make lunch.

F/n: "hey look who's up, I hope you're not picky about food here" He said, he was making some rice and curry.

Y/n: "I'm not, don't worry" you said, sitting down at the table and had lunch with your father

After you ate, it was about 1pm, so you decided to got for a walk to get used to the place.

You walked by a playground and decided to sit down at the swings and and looked at your old photos in America, you missed your friends

But suddenly a shadow went over you and you looked up and it was a girl with orange hair and pink headband

"Hi! I'm Chiyo Yumehara, you're new here aren't you?" The girl asked me, but I chould bearly understand her, I haven't talked in Japanese since I was a kid

I opened a translating app and asked her to repeat

We talked for a little while, I started to understand a bit but I was still far from fluent.

I learned that she's going to the same school as me, Hopefully we're in the same class so I wouldn't have to be alone.

After a while, Yumehara left and soon afterwards I walked around a bit more, like walking near stores or near the actual school

The school was big, similar to the ones in America, but I knew this would be completely different, I walked home and found a short cup which I should've used yesterday, at least I know now

After you got back at the house, you went up to your father and asked him a few japanese lessons, because you had no idea what to say to others

When you had your lesson, you both are some leftover rice and finished yesterdays cake

You decided to go to your room and place all your books and stuff in their place. Especially your clothes, the school outfit was nice, you tried it on and it fitted you quite well

But you olny packed for a week of clothes so you had to go shopping tomorrow, even if mostly you're going to wear your school uniform.

You took a quick hot shower and while drying off your hair, you decided to read a manga you had and read a few chapters

Y/n: "I can't believe the MC would do such a thing! I mean! Eating someone's hair!? Just gross" you talked yourself, after drying off your hair you put on your sleepwear and went to help father with his medicine.

As you gave him his medicine you thought about the boy you met yesterday,
Y/n: "I wonder if I'll ever see him again" you thought to yourself,

After he went to sleep, you rushed to your room and went on your phone to talk to your friends through discord

And you quickly fell asleep afterwards.

(Please tell me if I have any grammar mistakes, my first language isn't English!)

((Cover art is mine!))

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