Chapter 6

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Saiki's POV

Well that was terrible idea to do, getting a buzzcut, but I'm a few months all our hair grew out back again.

Everyone in school was talking about a house of fortune telling. Kaido said he didn't believe in it, and for the first time, I agreed with him.

After school, I was walking down the street when I saw the house of fortune telling, I saw Kaido and y/n together but I guess they came separately, since they were at different parts of the line

Well I am already here so I might as well check this place out, maybe they are really a psychic

As Kaido went in, I went in afterwards while using invisibility

"Welcome to the house of fortune telling, please take a seat" she said, Kaido seemed surprised but this placed looked like any other fortune telling place, so cliche. Even her name is sketchy

"You're no ordinary boy aren't you? You have extraordinary powers" she said, Kaido went full shock

You made it too easy Kaido to get her to trick you, she sees right through him.
But she did make some valid points about friendship but she was still a scam with that necklace

Kaido got scammed into buying the expensive necklace and brought me into this. But he got his money back after I delt with her

I noticed that y/n was near so since the house of fortune telling is probably closing down after that little stunt, they  looked down and sighed, when they noticed Kaido and went up to him

How did I end up like this?
I ended up coming with Nendo, Kaido, y/n and Teruhashi to a ramen shop

Teruhashi really wants me to say 'oh woah' but now I'm drawing her attention, great. Is she really that desperate to make me say it?

When we arrived to the ramen shop it looked terrible but we still went inside, Teruhashi is still trying to be perfect and we all went inside

Y/n seemed grossed out about the place, and so was I. This place didn't seem good at all. But Teruhashi still tried to stay perfect.

But the Ramen was disgusting, no one can eat this but we all noticed that Teruhashi started eating it, maybe if she's going that far to play the perfect part maybe she is perfect.

Afterwards we left and Nendo, Kaido and y/n went along with her.

~A few days later~

Your POV

I was walking from school with saiki and you noticed a stray cat in a gap squished

You quickly went to let it free but saiki went on walking. After you set it free the cat ran to Saiki, it started meowing.
You ran to Saiki to pet it, but Saiki didn't seem to care. It started to bite you so, you quickly moved away and went along with Saiki.

It was Christmas, I noticed that the Saiki's house was completely in Christmas decorations. I spent Christmas with my father and finally decided to call my mother from America. It was a pleasant day.

I texted Yumehara merry Christmas, and celebrated Christmas with my father together.

For my Christmas present, i got my wanting-to-read favorite manga, it was Attack on Giants, in English even!

After a few days it was New years. I went to a Shrine for the first time in a while. As i went to go there, i noticed that Saiki, his parents and Kaido were together.

I approached them, i went to pray together with Kaido. I prayed for y/p. Everyone started to approach us, first Hairo, then Nendo, and Teruhashi.

Nendo went to pray and Kuniharu went with him.

Teruhashi approached me and Saiki. But Saiki looked like he wanted to go home. But now Saiki's parents invited everyone to their homes.

I, of course went along, i ate with them all but didn't really talk. And then Kurumi said something that sounded similar.

"I'm just so grateful for you, my Kuu has always had a hard time making friends well with him being a psychic and all" the room went quiet

Kuniharu tried changing the subject about shounen managa. And kept changing it. I accidentally bumped the cup and it spilled water all over myself

After everyone left, I stayed a bit over because I helped Kurumi clean the dishes.

Saiki went up to his room, so you took this as an opportunity and asked her about Saiki

Y/n: "So what did you mean when you said that Saiki is a psychic?" She started took panicked again, but that only made it worse and suspicious.

I wrote this down, so if it's still there in the morning it wasn't a dream. But i didn't notice that i wrote it on one of my notebooks, but it wasn't really important so i kept no thought about it.

When i fell asleep, i felt like something bumped my head and went back to sleep. I still felt bad for Saiki about having abandonment issues, AND trust issues? (From last dinner)

After a few weeks it was valentine's day. I had a letter and a small coffee jelly in a little bag with a tie which had a small heart on it.

My only intentions were to give it to him as a Friend. And i had a regular bar of chocolates for Yumehara, Kaido, Nendo and Hairo and Teruhashi.

When i arrived to school, i put the chocolate bars in their desk and noticed that Saiki was in class. I was about to talk to him but Teruhashi walked in.

"Hi Teruhashi!" I greeted her and continued to give saiki the card and coffee jelly.

Y/n: "Here Saiki, I know you can't understand me so that's why I stayed up and learned this fraze," i sighed and continued to speak in rough japanese
"Happy Valentine's" i said that, and noticed that Teruhashi immediately looked your way she almost looked like she froze.

He nodded and took it, i still felt terrible for Saiki not even thank you back. But i knew that he appreciated it, especially since i got him coffee jelly.

Maybe I should've gotten a different flavor or just give better coffee jelly

Saiki's POV

I decided to only open the bag at home, otherwise, Nendo wouldve nagged me and Kaido would've looked deppresed.

After school I teleported home and opened the small bag that y/n gave me, it was coffee jelly, is this true love?

I opened the card and it was clearly written in Japanese by someone else.
"Happy Valentine's Saiki" and at the bottom in English

Hope you like the coffee jelly! And drew a small star and heart next to it.
My face felt a bit heated, but I wasn't using pyrokinesis, what was this?

Ironic, isn't it? (Saiki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now