Chapter 9

390 13 9

Saiki's POV

I've been wanting to spend my allowance on some coffee jellies, but it wouldn't hurt to try some new flavored coffee jellies

As I walked inside the house, I saw my mom talking to someone on the phone

"Kuu, welcome home" my mom said, and continued talking to someone

I went up to my room and went to see what's on TV, and noticed that a magician was on TV so of course,  immediately turned off the TV

I layed on my bed and thought about tommorow, coffee jellies and sweets.
I still need to understand that feeling I got at the hotel and at valentine's, what was that. It wasn't something I've felt before.

Maybe it was a stomach ache, the feeling was quite close to it, But it wasn't painful. But i don't get sick, so what was it? It wasn't allergies or anything.

I felt heat on my face, but the room wasn't hot and I wasn't using pyrokinesis. I'm getting even more confused
What is this? This has never happened before

"Kuu! Come downstairs!" Kurumi called, I teleported downstairs and went to see what she wanted

"Kuu, we're going to the l/n's for dinner, oh and tomorrow after school we're going to visit my parents!" She said, damnit, If I tell her she wouldn't stop talking about it, I'm talking about getting sweets with y/n after school

Should I go to buy sweets or visit my grandparents?

"Tommorow I'm going with y/n to a cafe" I'd rather have my coffee jelly and cakes

"Awww! Kuu! Honey come here quickly!" Kurumi called my dad and made me him come to cry happy tears with her.

I'm going back to my room

Tommorows also the 10K marathon, most people have running buddies but I'll probably be running alone, but probably Kaido or someone else will be following me
For some reason, both boy and girls marathons are at the same time this year

It was evening, I quickly got changed into my usual shirt and sweater. This time I put on a dark blue sweater

I went downstairs and saw my parents being all lovey dovey. I looked the other way and pointed to see if we're going now

Kurumi: "Oh yeah, were going to the
l/n's for dinner tonight, they invited us today!"

Kuniharu: "Ohhh I wonder what they made!"

Whatever they made, hopefully this night won't be terrible as last time (referring to last time Saiki needed to erase y/n's memory about his powers)

As we went to the l/n's, I felt the feeling in my stomach again, what is this, this is really getting annoying

As Kurumi rang the doorbell, I heard quick footsteps coming closer, and y/n came to the door

Y/n: "oh, Hi! Welcome, please come in!" They said in Japanese, I guess they leaned a bit

We walked inside and the house seemed nice, and the food looked alright

Y/n got dressed nicely, it was clear that they kept effort

Kurumi: "oh, y/n, where's your father?" She asked them

Y/n: "oh, he's in the hospital, he has monthly check ups and he stays there overnight so since I was alone, I decided to invite you all" they said with a smile. But an awkward smile. They probably were nervous about all of this.

Kurumi: "oh how sad, I'm gonna go visit him I feel so bad!"

Kuniharu: "Oh honey I'll go with you! Oh but what about Kusuo?" Yeah, what about me?

Kurumi: "Oh, we will only be there for a short time, we can come back, Kuu can keep y/n company!"


Both of them left and left me with y/n, and things became awkward quickly

Y/n: "so, Saiki do you like manga?" They asked me

I nodded

Y/n: "oh! Then I can maybe recommend some for you, I have them written down in a notebook I rarely use, what do you like, comedy? Action? Drama?" They asked me
I just shrugged and they ran upstairs

After they came downstairs, their mood had completely changed

Y/n: "Saiki, are you a... psychic?" They asked me, And I felt myself jump

What was this, what was in that notebook

I just shook my head and hopefully they won't ask anymore, they can't discover that I'm a psychic, that would be disastrous and bring me more attention

Y/n: "ahh, I'm glad then, weird why this was written down here, maybe I wrote down when I was thinking if what you are, but you still need to explain yourself for cursing me" I bearly got off the hook

Ah, now I remember why they wrote that down, last time I erased their thoughts I didn't bother to check anything, they were smart enough to write it down, I should've noticed it and erased it.

Damnit, this is going to keep the thought in their head for real now.

Y/n: "anyways, do you want anything sweet? I have a sweet tooth so I buy candy and cakes a lot" they asked, and of course I wouldn't refuse that offer

They took out cakes and coffee jelly out of the fridge and we both ate in bliss, it was the coffee jelly from the store.

Should I ask y/n about this weird feeling, probably not, I can easily just get the information from somewhere else.

While y/n was eating cake they started reading a manga. It was a romance manga, I usually don't prefer those because I don't get Love or relationships at all.

I saw y/n's eyes light up when they saw something, so naturally I became a bit curious

I tapped in front of them and pointed it out that they're missing the cake and now there's just a smudge on their face

Y/n: "Oh! Yeah well the MC just started feeling butterflies for the love interest! Their stomach is feeling nervous and their face is getting heated and it's sooo adorable, starting to realize that they have a crush on the love interest!" They said

Weird stomach feelings..
Heated face...
Was I..

In love..!?


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