Chapter 19

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Saiki's POV

I told y/n to leave because I chouldnt let them see me crying, that would be crazy, especially from a psychic. But they ran away just looking mad at me, I chouldnt resist but just close the door behind them.

This was hurting me by them leaving so soon. And this wasn't even the first time. As you noticed, this year has repeated multiple times. This is the forth time that they've left.

Each year I try to make them ignore me so I wouldn't feel this emotions. But each year I fall in love with them, And each year I see them leave
Hopefully not this year, I wouldn't be able to see them go again.

As I laid down on my bed, I kept thinking if how to get them to stay. There were thousands of ways, but I had to take out the illegal or the most disastrous way. And that left me with a few options.

But some of them needed to be a bit of a cliche. Those were the only options. But I had an even better idea to give me more time with them.

I could rewind time for a month, and convince y/n to stay longer. Because even I chould teleport to them any time, everyone would get suspicious to why I'm always away and not in the house.

So this would be the best option.
I don't actually rewind time. I just use mind control and restore everyone to a month before.
I took out my hairpin and began my plan.

~(chapter 13) snowy morning~

I woke up and noticed that it was morning, the morning of Mr. Peanuts. Realizing that I chould do more now.

I got dressed in layers and went outside for school. Ofc y/n came along, this time I decided to do something differently.

As we walked to school with Nendo and Kaido. Ofc, Kaido was complaining about the cold as last time, Nendo had heatpads on his uniforms back.

And y/n had no gloves again, which made me feel like I chould just Live like this forever. Their fingertips were becoming pink which looked adorable on them.

All these different thoughts came into my mind, then last time. Last time I refused it, but now it's all I'm thinking.

Y/n looked at me weird all the time, because my cheeks were heated and I saw smiling, which back then was unusual.

"Saiki are you alright? Your cheeks look really red, are you really that cold?" Y/n asked me, I almost wanted to smile at them like I'd gotten them back but I had to act it out as normal

They touched my cheek and noticed that they were warm for a second but the cold. It only happened because I wasn't ready for it so I quickly used Cryokinesis. It made my skin colder quickly.

"Oh my god you're freezing! Nendo I'm just gonna take those heat pads." Y/n said as they took off the heat pads off of Nendo and placed them on my cheeks
I really think I don't need heat pads after that, it just made my cheeks hotter, the heat pads were colder than my cheeks.

When we arrived to school I gave Nendo back his heat pads.
But school was in freezing temperature, as I said last time, it did not bother me. But of course it bothered y/n, which I didn't want it to.

I should've fixed the air conditioner a long time ago, then noone would've suffered this.

But the window broke, glass flew inside, and Mr. peanut came in for the last period. I used my pyrokinesis on the window to blow in warm air to avido suspicion

After all of that, I was given a handout I had to give Saiko, just like last time.
And just as last time, y/n asked to come along. And just as last time I allowed them

As we were walking, y/n was on my right side. Y/n kept brushing their hands together to keep warmth, last time I gave y/n my gloves but this time I'll do something from books and movies

"Y/n give me one of your hands" I said, they liked at me a bit weirdly and gave me their right hand. I took off one of gloves off, to be specific, I took off my left glove.

I put it on their right hand and put their left hand in my right pocket with my right hand. I saw that y/n looked completely flustered by my actions, their cheeks started to look more red than before.

"Omgwhatishappening. What is Saiki doing, this is so not like him, incredibly not like him. This feels like from a movie or book"  y/n thought, I read their mind, I knew y/n started to freak out by it, because this was all planed, I was really pleased with how it played out.

As we arrived at Saiko's y/n took their hand out of my pocket but I guess they didn't realize that I was holding their hand the entire time. Because when they took it out, I was still holding on to them

They quickly shook my hand off with embarrassment and rang the doorbell while I got the handout

Just as last time, Saiko invited us in and y/n refused for us and we left.

As we were walking with y/n on my right side again, their hand was near my hand, this time I wouldn't keep their hand in my pocket, but this time I subtlety started to hold their hand.
Of course, if they didn't want to or thought of it I would've let go.

As we arrived back home, Y/n was invited by my mother to eat lunch, their father was there too. Because if this rewind, the butterfly effect has already started the effect.

Hopefully this time I won't mess up.

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