(Ch.1) A New Journey Of Evolution

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If the chapters are messed up or not in orders... Please I did my best, it's one of the reason why I can't update that fast because it's making me really really unmotivated. Please help me fix this.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"Don't worry about me (Y/N)! I'll be fine besides I've got a map, I'm sure I can make it there"

"*Sigh* Ok if you say so, be sure to call me when you arrive there, ok?"

"Got it! "

"Good I trust you"

"Still can't believe someone really scouted me"

"Well of course! With your potential, it's no doubt that they'll want you on their team"

"I can't wait to be there!! I'll show them what I got"

"Yeah! And remember that enjoying the battle is important"

"Of course"

"You might meet someone there with such attitude but I'm sure you'll like him"

"Who is it?"

"It's fine, just be yourself ok"

"Ok!..........So I guess this is goodbye now"

"*Giggles* Don't worry Valt we'll see each other again"

"I know that, well I guess I gotta go"

"Ok bye"

"Bye (Y/N)"


"I'm lost!!!!" Valt screamed.

"Ahh!!! I should've just came with (Y/N)" Valt added

He was scouted by BC Sol a very famous Beyblade
Team especially in Spain. But as Valt was looking around the place he realized that he was lost. So he went to a tower and rest there for a bit.

"I guess I'm not good at reading maps" Valt said as he looks at his bey then a voice came up.

"Yow! Let me see your bey" the kid said appearing out of the blue and grabbing Valtryek.

"Hey do you mind?" Valt said worriedly.

"Looks like you've been through a lot, is it any good?" The kid asked him.

"Are you kidding me?! Of course, Valtryek has some mad skills. Oh the names Valt Aoi.....I got scouted by BC Sol so I'm here to join"

"Yeah, and I'm an astronaut. Do you really think I'd buy that?" The kid said

"You don't believe me"

"Oh please, everyone knows that they wouldn't scout just any bladers"

"I know right! It shows you how great I am" Valt said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Valt finally arrived at BC Sol after encountering some inconveniences along the way with his new friend Kit Lopez who's also part of BC Sol and now he's now given a tour by Trad , the coach and trainer of the team. Valt also met Kristina Kuroda the owner of BC Sol.)

"This is the Training Center" Trad said then blew the whistle to get the attention of all the bladers inside.

"It's time!! Everyone gather around" He said then all bladers lined up.

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