No More Coffee

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Alene looked up from the paper. She'd eventually gotten some ideas and started writing and had managed to fill most of the page with words. Beside her table stood a waiter – black shirt, black slacks, short dark hair, and a friendly smile. “Do you want more coffee?” he said and held up the pot to show her he had plenty left. “We've got plenty left and I'm about to close up. It's cold out there.”

It didn't quite look like closing time. Most of the tables held guests nursing their cups or bowls of soup. It was dark outside though, and the clock on the wall over by the counter showed five minutes to seven.

“Thanks, but I'm good. I'll just gather up my things and I'll be off.” She folded up her notebook

“You sure? You've got another ten minutes. You don't have to leave just yet. It's cold outside.” He nodded towards the window. Snow still came down like the end of days out on the street.

“Yes, I'll be fine.” She put on her reassuring smile and beamed up at him. “I have a question though. Do you know if there's a cheap place to spend the night nearby? I could sit at the station house, but it's bound to be a bit smelly.”

“Hmm...” The man frowned and tapped his chin. “Days like this, most reasonably priced places will be full. There's a wanderers dorm down towards Hay Market Square though they may have a spare spot. If you give me a moment I'll get you a map. I'll be right back.” He turned and headed back in the direction of the counter.

Alene stowed her notebook into her backpack and began getting ready to brave the storm. She wound the scarf around her head, covering her face up above the nose, just letting the eyes peer out. She pulled her jacket on, lifted up the hood and pulled the scarf down below her chin. Now she'd gotten the jacket on it'd be easier to just pull the scarf up above her nose again once she stepped out into the cold.

“Here, I've got the map. Did you have a pen?” The waiter returned, wielding a folded up tourist's map of Gladspone city.

“Sure. Here.” Alene handed him the pen. She'd opted not to pack it in with the notebock for just this purpose.

“Thanks.” He took the pen and spread the map out on the table. “Name's Michael by the way.”

“Alene,” said Alene.

“Right. So, we're here.” Michael drew a circle on the map right next to the train station. “The Hay Market Square is over here, and the dorm is over here.” He drew a larger circle around the square and a small cross on one of the side streets next to it.

“Thanks. That doesn't look so complicated. I should be able to find it. They take cheques, right.”

Michael grinned at her. “Of course they do. Everyone does here on the border. Us too.”

Alene suppressed a sigh of relief and grinned back at him. She'd completely forgotten to check that – and she'd forgotten to get any of the local currency too. It'd be a good start of her trip abroad if the first thing she did was fail to pay because she'd carried the wrong currency.

“Good, good. How much do I owe by the way?” she said and started to rummage through her backpack to locate her wallet.

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