"It was her choice for not telling you anything back then. Would you have told her if you would be going through these things? Would you want to see her cheerful and carefree smile to turn into frown?

No. never.

"No, right?", he asked. I shook my head. "See, that's what I am trying to make you understand" he said.

"Yes", I said.

"Do you still love her?" he asked.

"More than myself", I said.

"Then go to her. She needs you. Be the Aldric she wants. You are the heartless AJ for the world but try to be the old Aldric for her. Before your Confusion turns into Regret." he said.

I nodded. "You are right. Today I will make a new start with her. Where there only love, nothing else" I said.

"That's like my Aldric", he said cheerfully and started patting my shoulder. I glanced at his hands and glared at him.

His cheerful expression turned into scared one and he quickly removed his hand.

"Enough with the dude mode and back to boss mode", I said with my cold gaze.

"Ye-s", he said stuttering and glanced downward.

"About that Italian mafia family...." I said but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in", I said. It was Robert. He was looking worried and scared.

"What is it?", I asked. Seeing his expression, i knew it wasn't anything good.

"Si-r Av-a Miller", he said . I got up and stormed towards him.

"What about her?", I asked raising my voice. From inside I was worried till hell. Judging from his expression, I knew it isn't anything good.

"Si-r she jum-ped from the ba-lcony of her room", he said stuttering. I felt my world crashing down.

"The hell you are saying", I spat at his face grabbing both of his collar.

"Si-r we have call-ed the ambu-lance", he said.

Tears rushed out from eyes. I rushed out from the estate and entered the first car which caught my attention.

I sped towards my mansion.Accelerating it to full speed, not caring about the traffic or anything. At that time, only one thing was on my mind. Ava. Tears gushing out from my eyes.

"Plea-se Ava, don't leav-e me. Please", I said in tears.

I reached my mansion and rushed out of the car. I saw ambulance standing outside. Some people came with a stretcher. I rushed towards it.

I saw her lying lifeless, covered in blood from head to toe. More tears came out. They got into the ambulance with her. I also entered with them.

"Drive fast", I shouted. I glanced at her and held her hand.

"Nothing will happen to you baby. I am here", I said to her lifeless figure. Tears were not stopping.

"Her vitals are very faint", I heard someone say.

"Baby, don't leave me please. I am sorry. I will never hurt you", I mumbled into her face .

I kept on mumbling these sentences to her. After what felt like minutes, we reached a hospital and people rushed her out. I entered the hospital. The whole hospital got surrounded by my guards within minutes.

"Where is the head doctor?", I shouted.

A doctor came rushing towards me.

"Mr Johnson" he said panicking.

I grabbed his collar and spat at his face , "I want her alive and safe. I don't care if you have to donate your organs or turn the world upside down. Just make sure she is alive with her eyes looking into mine or I will make sure you don't see anything".

"We wil-l try our be-st", he said.

I left his collars  and he rushed towards Ava, checking her.

"Take her to the OT,  fast", the doctor said to his staff and they took Ava through the corridors of the hospital. I followed them till the OT. I was going to enter with them but a nurse stopped me.

"Si-r pleas-e", she said. I glared at her and was about to push her when someone held my hand.

It was Vincenzo. "Let it be", he said and I realised what I was doing. I can't let people know my other identity , so I backed away. The nurse entered and the door closed behind her.

I got on my knees, breaking down into tears.

Vincenzo came towards me engulfing me into a hug. And I cried on his shoulder.

"She would be fine", he said, rubbing my back.

"It's all because of me. She attempted suicide. She will again leave me. I can't live without her again. Please sa-ve her", i said choking  on my tears.

"Nothing will happen to her. Please calm down", he said.

"I love her Vincenzo. You know right ? Please tell her. She listens to you right?  Whenever we fought you were the one, who made us talk and solve the problem. Please do it again. I beg you. Please.", I said.

"I will. But you have to be strong. You are AJ, right? The one whole world fears of. I also fear you. And see you are crying like a baby", he said chuckling.

I wiped my tears and removed his hands from me. Something came into my mind.

"Robert", I shouted.

"Ye-s boss", he came running.

"I want the maid who was responsible to accompany her in my basement", I said and got up.


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