Introduction: A Piece of History

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A long time ago humanity forgot that it's surrounded by magic. Wars, industrial revolution, technological revolution, big cities development was the cause of people withdrawing from nature. And every drop of magic takes its beginning from nature itself.

But magic didn't disappear. Most people just simply stopped feeling it. And magical creatures breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was different in the past...

500 years ago magical creatures and the ones that could control magic were constantly fighting with humans but mostly among each other. Vampires with wolves. Fairies with elves. Witches and wizards with everybody. They attacked humans risking their world exposure. And humans were killing as many magical creatures as they could. Because of the constant wars between species and humans, and a lot of fratricidal fights among them, all magical worlds almost disappear.

There was this one species that was different.


They didn't fight with humans. They lived among them. They learned from them. But unfortunately at the same time, constant fights between different packs almost caused the extinction of the entire species.

But then wolves made a pact with humans, to help them survive in their world, among them. It was possible thanks to two friends. 

One wolf and one human boy, who's name was Jung Min-ki. 

To avoid more fratricidal wars, all wolf packs agreed that they would obey Min-ki as their king. He got to know their culture and behaviors and helped them to set the rules that allow them to survive. The main rules were:

* A wolf rank can't be a reason to disrespect and harm others.

* Each wolf should hide its scent in public areas to avoid provoking others.

* Mates can't be separated.

After that wolves lived peacefully.

But the rest of the magical creatures weren't doing well. So they started to unite with wolves. First fairies, then elves, witches, wizards and in the end vampires. They created new rules for each species, and for them all together...

The Kingdom grew, so the wolves, to protect their precious human and his family, offered him their protection, and witches helped them to put the spell that affected destiny itself. From that time each King had six fated wolves which vowed to protect him. 

Until the time came when fate pointed out Jung Hoseok and his wolves...




Soooo.... the cat is out of the bag now :D

I hope You will join me in this journey :)

Chapters will be published regulary on Mondays and on some special days. 

You will get to know everyone's ranks in a few first chapters.

It's my first story written in english, so pardon my grammar mistakes.

King's Pack (Taekook & Warewolves AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora