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When I got to work I did what I pay myself to do Hahh.

When my knock off time came I was kak tired,my butt cheeks felt numb.
I packed my things and made my way out going to my car.I drove to KFC to buy zinger wings and went to the mall to buy cheese.
When I got home I found Ella busy with her laptop..

Me:Hey sis.

Ella:Hey baby,how was work?


Ella:Was good..Sit down I want us to talk about something.

I placed my things on the couch and sat down next to her.

Ella:You know that I love you right?
Me:Uhm yeah.

Ella:I..Uhm..I found someone.


Ella:Yeah and I think I'm in love with him.
Me:We promised each other Michella.

Ella: I know but we can't control how, when and who you fall in love with.


I shouted in anger,I hate love because it makes people weak.
I feel like men use sex and this "love" shit to make us women weak..

Ella:Thando you don't understand.

Me:Make understand..

She looked at me for sometime and shook her head.

Ella: Firstly Thando I'm your big sister and I'm old enough to do my own shit.

Me:Michella yo..

She cut me off.

Ella:I'm moving out.

She blurted out and walked away leaving me shocked as shit.

Me:Ella!You can't do that.

Ella:I can and I will.

Me:Ella you promised to take care of me.

Ella:Tee you're old enough okay..if I stay here with you,you won't be able to do things for your self.

Me:Do he make you happy?

She turned around with a smile on her face.

Ella:A lot Thando.He treats me like the Queen I am.

Me:But if you be with this guy you'll forget about me.

Ella:No you my sister I will never forget about you.

Me:Whats his name?

Ella:Rajesh Khan..

Me:(Shocked) He's Indian?Indiya pho?

Ella:I know its weird but I love even though he's Indian.

Me:Couldn't you go for anyone else.

Ella:No I'm happy happy with Rajesh.

Me:A whole Salman khan?I wann meet him.

Ella:We have to go to Jo'burg then.

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