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Thand and Nkosi got in the cab driving them to the airport...Thando kept thinking about everything that she had went through in a space of Four years...everything that Michael did to her kept ringing in her mind."Is this it?" She asked randomly looking at Nkosi

Nkosi:What do you mean?

Thando:Are we just going to run away?


Thando:Are we just going to let Michael get away with what he did to us me!?

Nkosi:I..its the only way,I mean we've already taken his...

Thando:I don't care about the money I want to make him pay

Nkosi:Baby we're going far away there's no time to take revenge

Thando sat back quietly thinking of ways to make Michael pay....

FEW Hours later

They got in Different flights And off they left


You know a part of me is Happy that we're finally out of that hellhole but a part also feels like I'm a Weakling for Choosing the easy way out.
Anyway I was at the Airport with Nkosi was standing outside looking At me with tears In his face was wet with tears...I Guess this is a new start for me,him and our lives.

Next Morning

Macheal tiptoed to Thando's room with a Naughty Smile on his face...."Thando come out babygirl I'm not going to hurt you"He Searched the Closet but didn't find her.He made his way to Nkosi's room only to find it empty"Mihlali...Mihlali!! "He shouted in anger

Mihlali:My husband?

Micheal:Where are These stupid kids

Mihlali:Have you checked in their rooms?

Micheal:I wouldn't have asked u if I hadn't

Mihlali: I..I..Maybe they went to the shops to buy something

Micheal: (Relieved)OHhh OK I..

He was cut off by his phone was Mweli one of the men that were going to take Thando.


Mweli:Where is the girl

Micheal:Sh..She's uhm resting

Mweli: OK we're on our way


He made his way to his room to look for the Short dress he had bought for Thando to wear when the Mweli's come.His Brief case fell down.

Micheal:(Smiling)I'm a rich man

He sang in joy taking the briefcase on the floor and sitting on the bed with it.He panicked when he opened the Briefcase only to find it empty.
Mihlali Quickly rushed to their bedroom with fear written all over her face.The moment she got in she was met this a hard slap which sent her straight to the floor.


Mihlali: (Crying)I..I..l don't know Baba

Micheal:What do you mean you dnt know where is it huh? re the only person who new where I had put the money!

Mihlali:Baba I swear I didn't take it

Micheal:THEN WHO TOOK IT HUH?...THE TWI...wait the twins where are they?

He quickly rushed to Thando's bed room and opened her Closet...Her Important documents we'rent there and her backpack wasn't there.


He said in frustration while sliding down the wall with his Back...He buried his head in his arms while his hands were running roughly on his head.


I have finally reached my destination but the problem is I don't know where to go from here...there are so many people roaming around.I can't even explain how scared I am.I slowly walked towards the exit praying that no one searches my bag.There were cap drivers with boards written people's names...I made my way to Houston Mall which was across the Airport maybe I'll find a hotel to rest a bit cause youhhh I'm So tired...The mall was a bit full...people were looking at me weirdly not that I blame them thou. "Hey" a small cute voice said behind me.I turned around Getting face to face with a cute Chinese or Japanese girl."I'm"

Me:uhm Thando.

Her:Is it okay of I call you Tee?.

Me:Sure....Look I gotta Go.

Lene:Where are you going?

I kept quiet

Lene:you don't look like you From here

Duhh bitch you are chinese

Lene:(Giggles)Please don't remind me

Me:(shocked) Did I..?

Her:Yeah...Anyways let's Go.


Her:to my apartment... You look very tired.

Me:Look Leah or who ever you are I will not Go anywhere with you.

Lene:Firstly I'm Lene.Secondly you are new here and you are too innocent and beautiful to be swallowed by the streets of Houston.

O-K-A-Y she's telling the truth.

Me:OK...maybe one night wouldn't hurt.

Lene:Good let's go!

The Beauty In PainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ