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Gosh I wish I had wings right now.This jet is slow as fuck!

When we landed in NW we didn't even bother hurrying because we knew it was too late.

Ella:I..Im Even scared to go to the house.

Me:Do you think she's still alive?

Ella:There's only one way to find out.

We drove to the house and when we got the we were welcomed by police sirens,Ambulances,Fire fighters you name it.
"What the fuck happened here?
I asked the lady who was Wheeling a Hospital bed with Lene Sleeping on it.
I Quickly ran inside and I was met by Blood trails some of lene's Hair was on the floor,Showing that that Shithead was dragging her by it.Ella came in looking angry.

Ella:Tee I need you to change and go after that Shithead!...Now Thando!
Me:OK jeez!

I went to Change into Dark Grey Clothes.It was a long Sleeve body Suit,Dark Grey Leather pants and a Biker jacket with High heel boots.

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